Fabric Masks Need 3 Specific Layers to Effectively Block Coronavirus, WHO Says

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, Fact Checked

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Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been a debate around wearing a mask. Who should be wearing masks? Where should they be worn? How do they function in spreading the virus? What should they be made of? Are they actually effective? Needless to say, it has been a touch confusing. To help clear up…

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Study Finds Vitamin D Is Linked To Low Virus Death Rate

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, Fact Checked, Health Awareness

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Over the last several months, scientists and medical researchers around the world have been pouring countless hours into COVID-19 research, trying to learn everything they can about the virus. How it travels, how long it survives on surfaces, and how it attacks the body are just a few of the questions that needed to be…

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Five versions of diabetes drug metformin recalled over contamination

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Health Awareness

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Five U.S. drugmakers are recalling their versions of metformin, a widely-used diabetes medication, that has been found to have high levels of the chemical N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which is linked to cancer [1]. What is Metformin? Metformin is a very common medication used to lower the blood sugar levels in individuals with type II diabetes. It…

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Why Are Worms Coming Out of Strawberries in This Viral Video? An Expert Explains

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Health Awareness

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One of the best parts about the summer season is the array of local fresh fruit available on grocery store shelves, at farmers’ markets, and road-side stands. A recent viral TikTok video may have you second-guessing picking up that pint of fresh strawberries you were eyeing. Ever hear of strawberry worms? The video in question…

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Cannabis shows promise blocking coronavirus infection, claims Canadian researcher

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, Fact Checked

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Over the last several months, scientists around the world have been working to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. Until a vaccine is available, however, other scientists are searching for a treatment that could provide short-term protection from the virus, or help improve patient outcomes and recovery. Drugs such as Remdesivir, the antiviral Avigan,…

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Scientists Grow ‘Yarn’ Out of Human Skin Cells So They Can Literally Stitch People Up

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Learn, News + Discoveries

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There’s a good chance that you or someone you know has had to have stitches at some point in their life, whether because of an injury or as part of a surgical procedure. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself what those stitches are made of? Stitches, or sutures, which is their medical term,…

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Diabetes drug metformin is being investigated over contamination fears

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Learn, Men’s Health, Women’s Health

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When you receive a prescription for a medication from your doctor, you generally trust that it is safe – that it will improve your health, not harm it. Especially when it is a drug that is used by millions of people every day. The FDA has recently begun testing samples of a commonly-used type 2…

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U.S. Annually Uses 388 Million Pounds of Pesticides Banned in Either the EU, China, or Brazil

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Planet

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When you pick out your produce at the grocery store, you trust that it is safe for you to eat, and at least hope that it was produced in a way that is not harmful to the environment. Pesticides, of course, do not really fit within this narrative, and it turns out that while many…

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More polio cases now caused by oral vaccine than by wild virus

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Health Awareness, Learn, News + Discoveries, parenting

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In recent days, headlines crying “more polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus” are circulating online. But before you jump to conclusions about the safety of polio vaccines, you should look a little closer. No, people are not catching polio from getting a polio vaccine. But there is some truth to those…

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Premade Salads at Walmart and Target Recalled due to E. coli Scare

Pierre Van ZylDigestion, Fact Checked, Heal, Health Awareness

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More than 48 tonnes of premade salads have been recalled from retailers around the country because of potential E.coli contamination [1].  Missa Bay LLC. of Swedesboro, New Jersey have determined that a number of their salad products that contain meat or poultry may be contaminated with the E. coli strain O157:H7 [2].  This particular strain…

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With This Test Breast Cancer Could Be Detected 5 Years Earlier

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Fact Checked, Heal, Health Awareness, Learn, News + Discoveries

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You’ve heard it all before: the best ways to prevent cancer are to avoid tobacco, eat a healthy diet, maintain a proper weight, avoid excessive alcohol and sun exposure, and exercise regularly [1].  Beyond these basic lifestyle habits, doctors also recommend regular screening for common cancers to detect changes in your body that could become…

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Research Shows Corticosteroid Injections May Do More Damage Than Previously Thought

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Heal, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Learn, Men’s Health, News + Discoveries, Pain Management, Women’s Health

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This article was originally published on October 23, 2019, and has since been updated. Corticosteroid injections are a way for people who have osteoarthritis—a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage breaks down—to avoid oral steroids as a da…

A cancer-linked chemical has been found in heartburn medications. Here’s what you need to know.

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Health Awareness, News + Discoveries

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It has only been a matter of months since “N-nitrosodiethylamine” became a household name. The chemical, otherwise known as NDMA or NDEA is a probable human carcinogen that had been showing up in places it doesn’t belong- namely, common high blood pressure medications such as Losartan. (1) Now, the FDA reports that trace amounts of…

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Dr. Oz’s Mother Had Alzheimer’s and He “Completely Missed” the Signs—Here’s What You Need to Know About Alzheimer’s

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Heal, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Mental Health

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Dr. Oz, known for his role as the host of The Dr. Oz Show, said his mother, Suna Oz, 81, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He said that he didn’t recognize the symptoms, even as his mother’s behavior changed. He and his sisters noticed some odd things—th…

Infants and Veganism: Can the two go together?

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Heal, Health Awareness, parenting

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 The only true “love at first sight” is the moment a mother holds her newborn child for the first time. No matter what health beliefs they uphold, all parents can agree on one thing: They want the best for their children. They want them to grow up healthy and strong. Therefore, it’s vital for all…

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Dog Saliva Causes Ohio Woman to Lose Legs and Arms

Pierre Van ZylFact Checked, Heal, Health Awareness

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An infection as the result of dog saliva caused an Ohio woman to spend 10 days in a coma, 80 days in the hospital, and ultimately lose her arms and legs.  Marie Trainer says she has no memory of what happened but remembers feeling sick. She woke up from a medically-induced coma to discover that…

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