The Quickest and Healthiest Way to Lose Over 50 Pounds

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Weight Loss


No matter what stage you are at in your life or where you’re from, weight loss is never easy. Whether you’re a grandparent trying to lose a few pounds so you can keep up with your grandkids or a young mom who wants to fit back into your pre…

How 15 Minutes Of Walking Per Day Can Change Your Body

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Move, Weight Loss


We all know the importance of regular exercise and the crucial impact it has on our mental, physical, and emotional health. Despite all of these benefits, some days you just don’t have time to squeeze in a workout. Thankfully, new studies have shown th…

How To Make Beans Less Gassy

Pierre Van ZylDigestion, Heal


Although there is no scientific evidence that flatulence equates to feeling better, there are a variety of legitimate reasons to eat beans with every meal. For one, they actually are good for your heart, and another is that not all of them have to nece…

What Nobody Told You About Getting Rid of Fibromyalgia Pain

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Management


Fibromyalgia is a condition that often is a diagnosis of exclusion meaning that it is a diagnosis arrived at after ruling out other conditions. Because of this, fibromyalgia usually takes a long time before it is finally diagnosed which can serve as a …

How to Clear Your Throat of Food Before You Choke

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Health Awareness


We have all been victim to food getting stuck in our throats. Whether it was something as large as a fish bone or even swallowing a piece of fruit too soon. If your food does not pass along your throat easily it can cause irritation, swelling and even …

Scarlet Fever Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Health Awareness


Scarlet fever, also known as scarlatina, is a bacterial illness that primarily affects children aged 5 to 15. This disease, caused by group A streptococcus bacteria, often follows strep throat or skin infections and is characterized by a red rash.1 Ear…

7 Health Benefits of Planks

Pierre Van ZylFitness + Yoga, Heal, Move, Weight Loss


Maybe you remember planking as that short-lived online craze way back when; lying face down on top of random objects and posting pictures on Twitter and Facebook. Well, the kind of planking you may be more familiar with is the dreaded minute of holding…

How to Hold Your Poop: Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t

Pierre Van ZylDigestion, Heal


If you’re going to eat, you’re going to poop; it’s just a natural biological function that everyone faces in life. However, not everyone is willing to share the sordid details of their bowel movements. In fact, new studies have shown …

13 of The Best Natural Muscle Relaxers to Help With Cramps

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Management


Muscle cramps or spasms can be a painful and uncomfortable experience. These involuntary contractions can happen to any muscle in the body, but are most commonly experienced in the legs, feet, and abdomen. While there are various medications available …