What Nobody Told You About Getting Rid of Fibromyalgia Pain

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Management

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Fibromyalgia is a condition that often is a diagnosis of exclusion meaning that it is a diagnosis arrived at after ruling out other conditions. Because of this, fibromyalgia usually takes a long time before it is finally diagnosed which can serve as a …

13 of The Best Natural Muscle Relaxers to Help With Cramps

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Management

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Muscle cramps or spasms can be a painful and uncomfortable experience. These involuntary contractions can happen to any muscle in the body, but are most commonly experienced in the legs, feet, and abdomen. While there are various medications available …

What Does Fibromyalgia Feel Like?

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Move, Pain Management, Pain Relief

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What does fibromyalgia feel like? Ask 10 people the same question and you might get 20 different answers. Fibromyalgia pain can manifest in many different ways, but it’s not just about the physical. People with fibromyalgia will also tell you how…

How To Help Naturally Reverse Gout And Relieve Joint Pain

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Management

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This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. Imagine a time when gout was considered a condition exclusive to wealthy kings due to their indulgence in rich foods an…

39 Common Medications That Can Have Potentially Detrimental Side Effects

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Heal, Health Awareness, Learn, Men’s Health, Mental Health, Pain Management, Pain Relief, Weight Loss, Women’s Health

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Medications play a vital role in managing various health conditions, alleviating symptoms, and improving overall well-being. However, it’s important to be aware that even commonly used medications can have side effects – good, bad, and ugly…

6 hidden causes of foot pain and how to get relief fast

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Management

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Some common causes of foot pain are fractures, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, heel spurs, gout, and neuropathy. Your first step is to get your problem accurately diagnosed so it may be cared for properly, and then you may try some com…