10 Exercises to Help Strengthen Your Knees

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Move, Pain Relief

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Nothing understands how much the knees affect our lives until they stop working properly. Suddenly, the simple movement of standing up, sitting down, walking, and even changing sitting positions becomes a chore. There are many reasons for knee pain, su…

What Does Fibromyalgia Feel Like?

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Move, Pain Management, Pain Relief

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What does fibromyalgia feel like? Ask 10 people the same question and you might get 20 different answers. Fibromyalgia pain can manifest in many different ways, but it’s not just about the physical. People with fibromyalgia will also tell you how…

8 Yoga Poses to Calm Restless Legs Syndrome

Pierre Van ZylFitness + Yoga, Heal, Move, Pain Relief

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Are your twitching legs keeping you awake at night? Do you regularly feel like you have an itch that you just can’t scratch? You may be suffering from restless legs syndrome. In this article, we’ll talk about the causes of this condition, and…

What Are Ear Seeds, and How Do They Work?

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Relief

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Recently, TikTok influencers have been buzzing about a traditional health practice known as ear seeding. This ancient technique, also called auricular acupressure, is gaining attention for its supposed health benefits, despite its roots dating back tho…

39 Common Medications That Can Have Potentially Detrimental Side Effects

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Heal, Health Awareness, Learn, Men’s Health, Mental Health, Pain Management, Pain Relief, Weight Loss, Women’s Health

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Medications play a vital role in managing various health conditions, alleviating symptoms, and improving overall well-being. However, it’s important to be aware that even commonly used medications can have side effects – good, bad, and ugly…

How These Popular Shoe Brands Negatively Impacting Your Posture And Alignment Of The Body

Pierre Van Zylback pain shoes, chiropractor, Fitness + Yoga, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, pain, Pain Management, Pain Relief, posture, shoes affect posture, shoes influence pain

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This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. In our contemporary society, the act of slipping on shoes before stepping out has become as routine as donning underwea…

Can You Use Yoga To Help Treat Scoliosis?

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Pain Management, Pain Relief

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Scoliosis is a devastating disease that we still don’t know much about. Characterized by a lateral curve of the spine, scoliosis leaves people with a humped back. Not only can this be very painful, but it also affects how they go about their life. For …

8 Home Remedies for Itchy Skin

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Pain Relief

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Everyone experiences itchy skin from time to time. It could come from dry skin from cold weather, bug bites, poison ivy, uncomfortable clothes, or certain types of soaps. However, some people experience itchiness on a regular basis, such as those with …

10 Soothing Stretches to Ease Foot Pain

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Move, Pain Management, Pain Relief

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Swollen, painful feet can throw off the kinetic chain and lead to pain in your ankles, knees, hips, back, and even your neck. It can also lead to debilitating injuries in the feet, like plantar fasciitis, or inflammation in the fascia that lines the bo…

Why You Should Massage Your Feet Before Bed

Pierre Van ZylHealth Awareness, Pain Management, Pain Relief

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Even just thinking about getting a massage creates both relaxing and feel-good thoughts. Whether you prefer a whole-body massage or a session that focuses on your upper back and shoulders. Massage has many therapeutic effects and benefits, supporting your overall health and well-being. Studies show that there’s one message you should opt-in for more. It…

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This Cuddly, Microwaveable Sloth Soothes Stress, Aches, and Pains

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Health Awareness, Move, Pain Relief, Women’s Health

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Red alert! You can now buy an adorable plush sloth toy that actually doubles as a versatile home remedy. We can’t get over how cute it is. The Intelex Warmies Cozy Plush Sloth is only twenty bucks on Amazon, and it makes for a wonderful gift. It’s a great companion to help young children above…

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8 Stretches You Should Do Every Morning To Feel Strong, Flexible And Grounded

Pierre Van ZylFitness + Yoga, Heal, Health Awareness, Learn, Men’s Health, Move, Pain Relief, Weight Loss, Women’s Health

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There’s nothing quite like a good stretch. It feels great, and can make a world of difference in a healthy and balanced lifestyle. A few minutes in your morning routine devoted to stretching can be the perfect way to start your day. Many people with desk jobs develop tension or pain, and simply starting an…

The post 8 Stretches You Should Do Every Morning To Feel Strong, Flexible And Grounded appeared first on The Hearty Soul.