Off the coast of Japan’s Yonaguni Island lies a mysterious underwater structure that has intrigued divers, scientists, and historians alike. Known as the Yonaguni Monument, this enigmatic site has earned the nickname “Japan’s Atlantis” due …
Podcast 463 | Minimize Chronic Pain
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·Three ways to understand and minimize chronic pain.
The post Podcast 463 | Minimize Chronic Pain appeared first on The Minimalists.
Crispy Vegan Smashed Potatoes
This is an easy, 5-ingredient recipe for perfectly crispy vegan smashed potatoes. New potatoes are steam cooked until tender, then smashed with the bottom of a glass or jar to achieve a flattened shape. The smashed potatoes can be seasoned simply and then oven-baked on a sheet pan until they have a wonderfully crisp-tender texture. Snack on the potatoes as they are, or drizzle or dip them using your favorite sauce: either way, they’re irresistable! I don’t make a lot of viral recipes….
The post Crispy Vegan Smashed Potatoes appeared first on The Full Helping.
Podcast 462 | Toxic Superfoods
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·What is a “toxic superfood” and how are these foods making us sick?
The post Podcast 462 | Toxic Superfoods appeared first on The Minimalists.