12 Unexpected Uses of Cinnamon

Pierre Van ZylHome + Garden, Learn, Make

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Cinnamon, derived from the bark of several tree species, is widely known for its aromatic and flavorful properties. From adding a delightful touch to baked goods to being a staple in holiday recipes, cinnamon is a versatile spice found in kitchens arou…

How To Pack A Suitcase

Pierre Van ZylHome + Garden, Make

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We all know the paradoxical truth: taking vacations can be stressful! And one of the biggest stress factors is trying to pack appropriately. Nobody wants to be stuck in a foreign country with no clean underpants, and certainly nobody wants to…

This Inexpensive Quonset Home Kit Starts at Less Than $8,000

Pierre Van ZylHome + Garden, Make

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With the cost of owning a home rising all over the world, many people are stuck trying to figure out how to live comfortably and well on a budget, and still have money left over to do the things they’d like and enjoy life. Finding a spacious, com…

Add Volume to Your Thin Hair with These 10 Fun and Easy Tips

Pierre Van ZylHome + Garden, Make

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There’s nothing better than a good hair day to get you feeling great. But nothing will trample on that good day more than thin hair that refuses to cooperate. Anyone with thin hair will tell you that it’s a constant battle to get any volume in the hair…

How to Cleanse Your Home of Indoor Pollution and Prevent Damaging Mold-Linked Symptoms

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Home + Garden, Instant Article, Make, sponsored

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Are you always cold, only to break out into terrible sweats, especially at night time? Do you constantly feel tired or weak, like you are in a fog, and can’t focus? Is every day a question of whether or not you’ll get a headache or have digestive probl…

If You See These 5 Insects in Your Garden, DO NOT Kill Them

Pierre Van ZylHome + Garden, Make

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When most people think of insects in their garden, they usually think of annoying pests that eat away at their hard-earned crops. While it is true that there are many garden-damaging insects out there, such as the infamous aphid and many other common b…

Amazing FOLDING Tiny House Built with Reclaimed Materials

Pierre Van ZylHome + Garden, Make

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Have you ever stood in your home, looked around and thought “Do I really need this much space?” Sure, you’ve got plenty of things to fill that space, but have you ever stopped to wonder how much of it is necessary and how much is just there to take up …