Early Signs of Cancer that Every Woman and Man Needs to Know

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Heal, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Learn, Men’s Health, Women’s Health

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Cancer is a mysterious killer we still know so little about. Despite successful treatments and declining death rates in the United States, the American Cancer Society estimates that 1,735,350 people will be diagnosed with cancer by the end of 2018. (1,2) That’s approximately 4,700 cancer diagnoses every single day. Over the last two decades, a…

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Can Green Tea Extracts Cause Liver Damage?

Pierre Van ZylDigestion, Heal, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Learn, Men’s Health, News + Discoveries, Weight Loss

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Sipping on organic green tea in the mornings is a great way to help protect your brain from dementia, encourage a healthy metabolism, and boost insulin sensitivity (1). But popping a few green tea extract pills every day is a totally different story. 50-year-old Jim McCants of Prosper, Texas learned this the hard way, and…

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Study: Common Types of Medications Linked to Increased Dementia Risk

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Learn, Men’s Health, Mental Health, News + Discoveries, Women’s Health

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We wish it wasn’t the case but, unfortunately, memory loss is a hot topic. People have countless questions about brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. What really causes it? Will there ever be a cure? Are there any natural preventatives? How…

8 Hormone Imbalances that Affect Weight Gain for Men and Women

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Men’s Health, Weight Loss, Women’s Health

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Hormones influence several systems in the human body keeping them running properly, but they can also have side effects if not in balance. And although we may think that women are the only ones who become hormonal, the truth is that men’s health is also affected by hormonal imbalances. Our bodies send signals when things…

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How the Keto Diet Helped This 69 Year Old Control His Weight, Cholesterol, Diabetes, and Blood Pressure

Pierre Van ZylDigestion, Heal, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Men’s Health

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A lot of popular diets have come and gone through the years, but today there’s only one diet on people’s minds – the keto diet. It’s the most popular diet right now, and for good reason. It really works! There is one man in particular who can attest to this fact, and his name is…

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EFT Tapping For Stress & Anxiety (Detailed Exercise Guide)

Pierre Van ZylHealthy Aging + General Wellness, Men’s Health, Mental Health, Personal Growth + Development, Women’s Health

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When you start to feel depressed or suffer from other emotional and internal issues, what are some of the things you do to cheer yourself up? Meditate, binge watch your favorite television show, or talk to your family and friends. If you do, then consider adding EFT as another alternative solution to tackling your internal issues. What…

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Essential Guide for Taking Vitamins and Supplements

Pierre Van ZylDigestion, Heal, Health Awareness, Men’s Health, Weight Loss, Women’s Health

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Vitamin supplements, so many forms, brands, and varieties.  While it’s easy to be intrigued with the benefits offered by vitamin supplements, determining which ones are best for you, can be a daunting task.  A multitude of factors are to be considered when purchasing supplements such as age, gender, health conditions, and lifestyle. When possible, attaining…

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Be Careful: Trips to the Tanning Bed Can Give You Cancer

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Men’s Health, Women’s Health

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Tanning is a quick way to change up your look, but you might want to think twice before doing so. Lisa Pace from Tennessee used to tan all the time, insecure about her pale skin and freckles she would visit the tanning salon almost every day in college. It wasn’t until she went for a…

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Chlamydia Symptoms + 5 Natural Treatments

Pierre Van ZylArticles, chlamydia symptoms in men, chlamydia symptoms in women, chlamydia symptoms men, chlamydia symptoms women, Lifestyle, Men’s Health, Natural Remedies, Pregnancy, signs and symptoms of chlamydia, symptoms of chlamydia, symptoms of chlamydia in men, symptoms of chlamydia in women, what are the symptoms of chlamydia, Women’s Health

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It’s the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can be cured. Chlamydia infects both men and women across the globe. And the challenge with treatment, and keeping it from spreading, is that most people do not experience chlamydia symptoms. But, not having symptoms doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be concerned. In fact, chlamydia can cause serious and permanent damage to … Read More