Mindful Parenting and a Toenail Drama

Pierre Van Zyldoctoring, Mindfulness, parenting, PracticeBalance

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It started back in May. She dropped her stainless steel sippy, and the bottom rim landed right in the middle of her big toenail. For hours, she was beside herself. All we could do was kiss and hug her and say, “Yep… it sucks to drop something on your t…

Whose Rules are You Following?

Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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Lately I’ve been sleeping in until 9—a luxury afforded to me since my 13 year old starting biking to school . I’ve been sleeping for 10 hours a night, thanks to cannabis. I’ve been taking it slow in the mornings, drinking coffee and drawing, pulling T…

Magic is alive

Pierre Van Zylcrystals, magic, Mindfulness, Mindset, witchy things

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MAGIC IS ALIVE. Magic is a return—to yourself, to Source, to all things earthly and cosmic. Magic is deepening and trusting your intuition; it’s the way you just know, the moments when you think, “of course.” Magic is co-creating with the Universe—col…

Your Joy

Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Lifestyle, magic, Mindfulness, Mindset

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You’re allowed to feel your own damn joy. It might feel foreign. Or selfish. Or scarce. Or indulgent. Or uncomfortable—at first. Maybe you’re unaccustomed to joy because you’ve been steeped in shadows. Maybe you’ve seen too much pain. Maybe j…

The Liminal Space

Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Lifestyle, magic, Mindfulness, Mindset

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Sometimes I need to be reminded of who I am. There are periods—days, weeks even—when I feel off kilter, untethered, floating above myself, wandering in the void. Lately I’ve been tired—soul tired, bone tired. I’ve felt the discomfort of being…


Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness

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The universal connection to all things—earth and cosmos, human and spirit, the deeper sense of knowing that resides within us all—it’s always available to us. We are the co-collaborators of our experience of this earthly realm, hand in hand with …


Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness

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In my bones I know this body will live but once. This thought, with great potential to produce worry and angst, crosses my mind at least once a day. But contrary to its seeming morbidity, it propels me to be easy. Be present. Be fully engaged and speak…

Mindfulness not your thing? Why not try mindLESSness

Pierre Van Zylhealthy, inspiration, Mind + Productivity, Mindfulness, self discovery, weekend, wellness

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I’m sure that by now you would’ve heard of mindfulness. But if not, basically it is a technique that draws on Buddhist practices that teaches you how to be in the moment. Since most of us these days are stress heads this technique provided a useful way to escape and de-stress. Mostly it involves a…

10 signs you are terrible at relaxing

Pierre Van Zylchilling, funny, inspiration, Mind + Productivity, mindful, Mindfulness, relaxing, wellness, Yoga, yogi

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For a lot of us Type-A personalities out there we struggle to find our off-switch. Personally, some days I feel like my off-switch has bee totally fried. And whilst we can all appreciate the importance of chilling out, sometimes it’s a little harder to achieve than you would think. Relaxing to us is pretty much…

Learning how to self advocate for wellness and career advancement

Pierre Van Zylacademic medicine, career advancement, Emeducatormom, emotions, medical education, mentors, Mindfulness, money, our gender, promotion, reading, reflection, self-care, single parenting, transition

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I’ve recently been meditating on personal and professional development and in a lot of ways, maintenance. Part of it aligns with recently discussed concepts of wellness and work-life balance. Part of it also has to do with this intrinsic unsettled feel…

Everything must die

Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset, witchy things

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The human tendency to cling to things past their expiration date is a perverse form of suffering that is born from the fear of that which is perpetually unknown—we hold on because we think we need certainty and permanence and all manner of fairy tale…

Be Your Own Hype Woman

Pierre Van Zylbody image, heart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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One of the most important roles you can play in your life is that of your own hype woman. You have to think you’re fabulous, even and especially when you’re knee deep in the messy stuff. You’ve got to give yourself compliments, recognize yo…

A woman is

Pierre Van Zylfeminism, heart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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A woman is a creature of pure alchemy. She is both strong and soft. Loving and tenacious. Tolerant and replete with boundaries. Ethereal and grounded. Emotional and unshakable. Backbone and bosom. An empath and a healer who protects her energy against …

Bury a body with me

Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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An incomprehensive list of qualities I look for in the human beings with whom I surround myself, in no particular order: Encourage me to shine—to manifest my dreams, to breathe in every moment of joy and accept that with bliss there also comes strugg…

Go ahead and have a sucky day

Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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You’re allowed to have sucky days. Despite what the “good vibes only” crew would have you believe, sucky days are normal. They’re inevitable. And they’re your gatdamn right. You’re under no obligation to “power throughâ€� …

Things to do instead

Pierre Van ZylFeatured Posts, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, witchy things

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Turn off the TV. Put down your phone. Pick up a book. A pen. A paintbrush. String words together and call it a poem. Slide playfully around the hardwood floor in your socks and call it dancing. Flip a record; listen with rapture as the needle circles t…


Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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Words. And the spaces between them. Nature. Her lessons in letting go. The way she has the power to change your entire state of mind with just a sunset, an autumn breeze, a crash of a wave. Clarity. When you call upon your intuition to help guide you a…

On Loneliness

Pierre Van Zylheart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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From 2003-2005 I had approximately 3 CDs in the glove compartment of my Volkswagen Jetta. It was a time when cars still came factory equipped with CD players and tape decks. I was a 21 year old Air Force linguist in training, stationed at the Presid…