Mango salad dressing is such a fun way to switch up your go-to salad! Instead of using a creamy ranch or a tahini-based dressing, the next time you are looking for a bright and flavorful dressing, try this mango vinaigrette! Made with just 8 ingredient…
Lentil Beet Salad
This vegan lentil beet salad is one of my staple salads. It’s packed with nutrition and perfect with toast! There are plenty of festive recipes to make and think about at this time of year. But sometimes I like to interrupt all of the holiday cookies and cakes with an every day staple recipe. This lentil beet salad is one of my favorites. I have an easy time finding beets year round where I live, so I don’t really think of this as…
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Crispy Broccoli Caesar Salad
This vegan crispy broccoli Caesar salad is the most satisfying vegetable dish I’ve made in a while! Before I get into it, a thank you for the kind words and messages I’ve gotten in the last week or so. I’ve been OK. Just focusing on my mom as she copes with a loss and weathering some challenges in my own life. I’ve missed weekend reading as usual, and I’ll be back to it this weekend. In the meantime, I’ve been turning to comforting…
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Quick Chickpea Carrot Couscous Salad
Now that it’s warmer outside, I’ve been relying a lot on cool grain salads at lunchtime. So long as I prepare and then cool whatever grain I’m using ahead of time, assembling the salad takes only minutes. Grain salads satisfy me more than leafy or vegetable-based salads these days, and it’s fun to use up the various grains that are still hanging out in my pantry, even three months into quarantine (slow pantry emptying is part of living solo!). This quick chickpea carrot…
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Tofu and Udon Noodle Salad with Spring Vegetables
It takes a lot of cooking to make me tired of cooking, but I think I’m there. All things considered, I probably eat out and order less takeout than other New Yorkers. But having the option of a night off from the kitchen is a privilege that I’m suddenly feeling the absence of. This is good reason to rely on store-bought helpers whenever I can, and also to streamline my recipes when possible. Today’s tofu and udon noodle salad with spring vegetables is…
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Anything Goes Vegan Pantry Salad
I’m getting asked a lot about substitutions lately, for obvious reasons. None of us are going to stores as often as we might under normal circumstances, and availability is limited even once the trip is made. Some substitutions work without any trouble, and some are less straightforward. With baking, even the smallest modifications can impact how the cookie, cake, or bread turns out, so I’m always wary about offering substitutions unless I’ve tried them myself. Fortunately, there are so many meals that can…
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Anything Goes Vegan Pantry Salad
I’m getting asked a lot about substitutions lately, for obvious reasons. None of us are going to stores as often as we might under normal circumstances, and availability is limited even once the trip is made. Some substitutions work without any trouble, and some are less straightforward. With baking, even the smallest modifications can impact how the cookie, cake, or bread turns out, so I’m always wary about offering substitutions unless I’ve tried them myself. Fortunately, there are so many meals that can…
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Roasted Butternut & Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad
It’s about time for a few Thanksgiving recipes 🙂 My last few holidays have been simple, and my recipes have followed suit. This roasted butternut & shaved Brussels sprout salad looks festive and has a lot of nice contrast in textures, but it comes together with only a few main ingredients. Leftovers of the creamy…
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Tahini Mustard Sweet Potato, Lentil, and Arugula Salad
Today’s salad is a great example of how recycling a recipe—keeping it intact, but with a few key tweaks—can pay off. It’s based off of my mustardy lentil sweet potato salad, which isn’t a green leafy salad so much as a spread of sorts, in the same way that chicken salad and egg salad are…
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Lemony Bulgur Chickpea Salad
I’m so tired. I’ve been tired plenty during the internship, but how I feel right now is special. It is, as they say, next level. And, with a final on Thursday, four assignments to finish, and almost two weeks left in my current rotation, the feeling doesn’t promise to let up soon. I’ve been at…
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Pesto Farro & Baby Kale Salad
A few weeks ago, a friend and I met for lunch at Maman here in the city. It was cold—in typical April-in-New-York fashion, we’ve been vacillating between damp and chilly and summery warmth—and the restaurant was drafty. We huddled over cups of tea and had some much needed catch-up time. We were both out of…
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Warm Lentil, Tomato & Mushroom Salad
Tomatoes were my favorite food as a child, and my attachment to them has never really gone away. I look forward to them being in season all year long, and I celebrate their appearance more than any other summer produce. Unlike many vegetables, for which I’ll have a strong preparation preference (broccoli steamed; cauliflower roasted;…
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Israeli Couscous Salad with Roasted Cauliflower, Pistachios & Dates
Usually at this time of year, as the temperatures warm up, my salads become progressively lighter and more colorful, vegetable-centric rather than grain-centric (which is the winter norm). This hasn’t been the case lately. Whether because of springtime rain and little bursts of chilly weather—or simply because it’s what I’m craving—I’ve continued to make a…
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Roasted Broccoli & Kimchi Spicy Soba Noodle Toss
I guess the more proper term for this recipe would be a kimchi noodle salad, but “toss” is more evocative of this past week and the cooking that happened within it: throwing things together, hoping for the best. I made one pot of soup (the spicy cabbage, chickpea, and rice soup from Power Plates, which…
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