Want to be more productive and save time on Instagram? I have to be the queen of guggling and scheduling and being inconsistent with it. Along the way I’ve built up some awesome hacks to save myself time AND post engaging content. When it comes to marketing yourself or your business on Instagram, you need creative…
Here’s how to create your point of difference on Instagram.
1. Choose one specific group of people to target It’s lovely to share holiday snaps, your grocery shop and your dad’s 60th birthday, but you need to think about your ideal follower. What does he / she do? What are there main interests? Where do they spend their time? Write down your ideal customer ‘avatar’…
How to apply Lightroom Mobile Presets, without a Desktop
This tutorial will teach you to install Lightroom Mobile presets into the free app. You will also be able to save them as presets and apply them with one click. There are a few ways to import and sync your new presets into the Lightroom Mobile app if you already have a subscription for the…
How to create an Insta-worthy Brekkie Bowl
Did you know nearly half of all Aussies say they choose what goes into their morning brekkie bowl depending on what looks good for social media?! What’s even more amusing to me, is that more than half a million people (including me) post a photo of their breakfast on social media every single day -…
8 awesome ways to make money online
Whether you already have a website or are dreaming of entering the digital world, you might be left scratching your head about how people seem to make money online and actually make a living off this stuff. For some (myself included) it’s not just making a living, but an incredibly comfortable lifestyle. And I do…
Building Your Best Life Through Instagram
I get asked a LOT how I built my Instagram following, where I started, and what has worked well for me. Whilst we all know it’s not just about the numbers, building my following has led me to some incredible business opportunities and acted as a valuable extension of my photography business along with my…
Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot – BLOOPER ALERT!
Oh HEY. This is me. Looking all cool, calm and collected. But I know you don’t want to see that, right? Scroll through your Insta and there’s a thousand others waiting for you in your feed, probably with fabulous designers tagged and perhaps a watch endorsement or two. You’ve got heaps of that, and that’s…
Meet these 3 incredible women who turned Instagram into their careers
Hands up if you want to turn your Instagram into a full-time career? There’s quite a few of us am I right? There’s something seriously enticing about living a freelance and creative life. I mean everyone wants to be their own boss right? And whilst we get to see a lot of our fave influencers…
The one thing I’m scared to share with you.
I’ve got a secret. In fact, I’ve got a few, but this one seems the most controversial given the career I’ve created for myself. It’s confession time. I’m about to delve into a very personal journey and share photos of my body that genuinely make me cringe, but I want to do this to say…