Wingardium Leviosa

Pierre Van ZylFeatured, Featured Posts


The second half of this year was a blessing disguised as a curse. Sometimes I can’t even believe I was strong enough to get through it—and not just get through it, but grow from it, rise from it, go into 2020 as the baddest expression of myself thus f…

Don’t Panic

Pierre Van ZylFeatured, Featured Posts, heart wisdom, magic


Don’t panic. You’re capable. You’re worthy. You’re supported. You’ve been through bad shit and sad shit and scary shit, too. And every single time, you’ve come through—even when you thought you wouldn’t survive, you clawed your way out of each and eve…

On Relationships

Pierre Van Zylfamily, Featured, Featured Posts, heart wisdom, love


I’m not an expert on relationships. I’m not sure I’m an expert on anything, but that’s a discussion for another day, perhaps. Regardless, I’m often asked for relationship advice—mostly because I’m good at holding space, but also because one of my supe…


Pierre Van Zylbody image, Featured, feminism, Mindset


Like many young girls, I wasn’t nurtured with resilience against shame. I wasn’t directly and specifically nurtured towards shame by my parents, but when you come of age in a culture that is laced with shame around women’s bodies and sexuality in…

Creamy Vegan Carrot Mac with Walnut Herb “Parmesan”

Pierre Van Zylbrussels sprouts, carrots, comfort food, easy, Featured, Gluten-free, mac n' cheese, Main Dishes, No Oil, pasta, quick, Quick & Easy, Recipes, Soy-free, Vegan


  This creamy vegan carrot mac with walnut parmesan is what happens when you’ve got a strong hankering for comfort food, but a fraction of the time it would usually take to whip up a bubbly, baked, mac n’ cheese masterpiece. It’s quick and untraditional, but for me, so many of the key components are…

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