Taco Bell has released the list of ingredients that made up the previously unknown “12%” of their signature beef. The fast-food company made headlines in 2011 when a lawsuit was filed against them claiming that the meat that they serve…
The list of apple cider vinegar benefits seems to grow almost every day. With so many different lists around it gets hard to keep track. That’s why we’ve collected a sampling of some of the best lists around all in one place! Raw, org…
Stretching can be great for your health, but there are all too many myths about stretching readily available out there. Unfortunately, if we believe too many of these stretching myths, we may not reap the maximum benefit from our stretches—and in some …
Debilitating and often accompanied by throbbing pain and sensitivity to light and sound, headaches and migraines can quickly derail our daily activities. While over-the-counter medications have been the go-to method for headache and migraine relief, na…
Considered the ultimate “nutrient booster,” we can benefit from fulvic acid when we take it as a supplement or acquire it naturally from coming into contact with more dirt/soil outdoors. How? As an active chemical compound, fulvic acid works in a way t…
Liver cancer is a serious health condition that affects thousands of individuals each year. It is essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms associated with liver cancer, as early detection can significantly improve treatment outcomes. These are t…
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder that affects approximately 3 million people worldwide. It can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms can resemble those of other gastrointestinal conditions. One of the most common s…
Antibiotics are widely used to treat bacterial infections and are often considered lifesaving medications. However, a recent study suggests that some commonly used antibiotics may have unintended consequences, particularly in the sickest patients. The …
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is a problem seemingly on the rise in North America. Learning more about how we can prevent its onset are crucial, as there is still no cure. Recent warnings from neuroscientists highlight a concerning revelation –…
The cold-pressed oil that’s derived from pumpkin seeds has an enthusiastic following among both wellness and natural beauty seekers. Pumpkin seed oil can work wonders for both inner and outer beauty, thanks to its rich vitamin A and E, omega 3 and 6 fa…
Lack of sleep is an epidemic affecting not only Americans but people worldwide. It is estimated that over 70 million Americans chronically have trouble sleeping regularly and are not getting enough shut-eye each night.1 This chronic fatigue is affec…
Any day where a new study shows a potential cure for cancer is a good day, and scientists in Europe may have found a breakthrough for breast cancer. The most common cancer in women, around 1 in 8 American women will develop it in their lifetime; the cl…
One of the first things I do when I am feeling under the weather is to make myself a cup of tea, but what you don’t expect when you pour that healing cup is that it is laced with harmful chemicals, especially when you’re under the impressio…
Air pollution is a well-known danger to our health, with studies linking it to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular issues, and even premature death. However, what many people are unaware of is the connection between air pollution, Alzheimer’s disease,…
It’s one of the most widely researched and used drugs in the world. There’s a good chance you’ve taken it at one point in your life. And now, there’s a good reason as to why you should get yourself checked if you’ve been having unexplained severe sinus…
Leonardo daVinci, Isaac Newton and Sigmund Freud are three of the most revered genius’ in human history. They changed the artistic landscape, changed the way we see the universe and even changed the way we see ourselves. However, the one thing that the…
Consistent knee pain afflicts many people at different stages of their lives. As we get older the likelihood of pain increases; life takes a serious toll on our joints. Chief amongst the ailments that affect our knees is osteoarthritis. The condition n…
July is National Ice Cream Month. In light of this historic proclamation, we thought we’d help you celebrate with this homemade ice cream recipe. Who doesn’t love ice cream? Crazy people. Kidding. In all seriousness, ice cream is an incredi…
Have you ever woken up suddenly—only to see a glowing alarm clock reading 3:00 in the morning—and couldn’t fall back to sleep? (And then that that annoying Matchbox 20 song pops into your head, too? Ugh.) If so, you’re not alone. 42% of Americans …
If you are an avid gum-chewer, then there is a good chance that you are a regular consumer of aspartame as well. It is nearly impossible nowadays to find a major chewing gum brand that doesn’t contain it. Although aspartame can be found in many d…
Warts aren’t fun to have around. They are completely harmless but can also be annoying, taking what seems like forever to go away on their own. Caused by the viruses in the human papillomavirus or HPV family (there are over 70 different strains!), wart…
Receding gums are a very common dental condition that can sneak up on you over time without you even realizing it. Aside from just being unpleasant to look at, receding gums can make you much more susceptible to having bacteria build up in between your…
If you’ve ever had an ingrown toenail, you know the pain that it can cause. Not only that, but it’s annoying because we use our toes in some way or another as part of our usual daily movement, and this use and constant knocking seems to aggravate the n…
Do you ever find yourself congested with a phlegmy cough at night? Or feel sharp pains in your chest when you are lying down? Do you want to get rid of this feeling and have healthy lungs again? There are many natural chest congestion remedies out…
If I told you that you could improve your liver health or relieve a sore neck by massaging pressure points in your feet, there is a good chance that you would be pretty skeptical about it. And that’s understandable! How can a foot pressure point …
This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. Recognizing the impact of sleep on our overall health is crucial, especially for children and teens. During sleep, our …
The Universal Product Code, more commonly known as the UPC, is your best bet at getting products from the countries you want. Lately, China has been criticized for the safety of their products and with good reason. Knowing where many of these common pr…
Hands are one of the most common (and inconvenient) places for people to experience arthritis. As arthritis wears away at the cartilage and cushioning in the joints, it causes inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Simple tasks like gripping a utensil, twi…
Your body always knows there is something wrong way before your brain does. It’s easy to ignore something tiny. Simple to dismiss as something that doesn’t really matter. But there are serious signs something is wrong with your body without you being a…
Experiencing pain behind the eyes can be a discomforting and worrying sensation. Understanding the root causes of this pain and knowing how to alleviate it is crucial for maintaining eye health and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the…
Many of us probably already know someone who has suffered or who is currently suffering from dementia. Perhaps an aunt or uncle, a grandparent, or a family friend – maybe even our own parents. Anyone watching someone go through this condition kno…
Going Gluten Free is a huge first step in improving your health, especially if you’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. BUT and this is a huge but, it may not be enough by itself… and here’s why: Autoimmune Disease and Gluten Autoim…
What is MCT Oil? Medium-chain triglycerides are a kind of fat particle found in coconut oil and palm oil. Studies reveal that MCT Oil benefits can protect our bodies from viral infections, which means no more colds! Here in the United States, winter is…
When it comes to choosing between farmed and wild salmon, the decision can be challenging due to various factors that influence the nutritional value, environmental impact, and overall quality of the fish. Both farmed and wild salmon offer health benef…
If you notice that your toenails are changing colors or getting a little thicker, then you may have toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is what occurs when a fungus infects either your toenail or the skin underneath it. For a fungal infection to occur, ther…
When I meet with a new client that is trying to lose weight, one of the first things I will change is their breakfast. One of the most effective ways to help my clients lose weight and improve their health is to stabilize their blood sugar through a be…
The concept of therapeutic fasting is not new, yet only recently have its profound immune boosting benefits been discovered. Fasting works because the body has the capacity to heal when the obstacles to healing are removed. Fasting promotes accelerated…
Night sweats can be scary, especially if they’re a nightly occurrence. While occasional sweating during sleep is normal, if it’s happening frequently, it may indicate an underlying health issue. Let’s look at some of the causes of night sweats an…
Whether you’re an exercise buff, enjoy an occasional walk or bike ride around your neighborhood, or even type daily e-mails on your computer, chances are at some point you have experienced back pain when breathing. An estimated 80% of Americans will ex…
It’s amazing how a shortage of just one nutrient can have such a huge impact on your health. The standard American diet has changed drastically over the last few decades, causing a rise in health problems that were rarely seen before. Chronic nutr…