The first chemotherapy (chemo) agents appeared in the first world wars and were used as mustard gases to kill soldiers. (1) Since then, cancer patients from all over the world have opted to use chemo as part of their cancer treatment plan. Cancer cells…
Is Your Meat Eating Candy? Why You Should Avoid Factory Farmed Meat
My friend Michael Pollan says, “You are what you eat eats.â€� A few weeks ago, I read an article about how farmers are feeding their livestock candy. Yes, you heard that right. Skittles, Gummy Bears and other junk foods are sold to farmers to provide cheap carbs for livestock. I don’t know about you, but…
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Lady’s Mantle for Menstrual, Gastrointestinal Relief, and Other Benefits
Lady’s mantle — it’s such an interesting name for an herb that has so many possible health benefits. What is lady’s mantle used for? Given its namesake, it’s probably not surprising that women use it to help with painful or heavy menstrual periods and menopause symptoms. But this herb is also highly acclaimed for its use in…
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Top 8 Causes of Hip Pain and How to Relief Without Addictive Pain Meds
Hip replacements or general hip pain is a condition typically thought to impact older adults. And while this population is certainly at a higher risk of hip issues, even young people (especially athletes) can suffer from hip pain. Hip pain affects each person a bit differently, causing symptoms like aching or weakness on either the…
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Make Sure You Check Your Iron Levels – It’s Crucial for Optimal Health
One in 3 reading this likely has a serious overload of a mineral that may be more dangerous to your health than lack of vitamin D. That mineral is iron. Making matters worse, few physicians fully appreciate the danger of excess iron, which Gerry Koenig, former chairman of the Iron Disorders Institute and the Hemochromatosis…
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E-Cigarettes Cause Teen to Develop “Wet Lung� After Just 3 Weeks
Electronic cigarettes, also known as “e-cigsâ€�, “e-cigarettesâ€� or “vapingâ€�, have become very popular in recent years, especially among teens and young adults. Many people think that e-cigs are safer than regular cigarettes, but this isn’t always true. This 18-year-old’s story will make you reconsider just how safe e-cigs really are. An E-Cig Nightmare An article…
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3 Reasons Why You May Want to Avoid Getting a Mammogram So Fast
The mammogram debate is alive and well. Some people praise mammograms while others oppose the x-ray imaging system. Over the years, however, some cancer experts have even started to question the seemingly outdated and potentially harmful breast cancer screening method that is still so prevalent today. But with so many institutions claiming that mammograms are…
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Cardiologist States that American Heart Associations Cholesterol Guidelines May Be Doing More Harm than Good
With another change in the American Heart Association cholesterol guidelines comes a new wave of people that are now considered to have high blood pressure. There is nothing more unsettling than a major change in the medical world. We’re all working towards our best lives, and it’s important that we’re able to trust the rules…
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Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes Linked to Skin Rashes
Since the early days of The Hearty Soul, we have always valued homemade skincare recipes. Whether it be strengthening hair masks to moisturizing makeup removers, going all-natural and non-toxic seems like such a no-brainer! Especially when you hear horror stories about big-name hygiene and cosmetic companies whose products cause dramatic hair loss or skin damage….
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How the Keto Diet Helped This 69 Year Old Control His Weight, Cholesterol, Diabetes, and Blood Pressure
A lot of popular diets have come and gone through the years, but today there’s only one diet on people’s minds – the keto diet. It’s the most popular diet right now, and for good reason. It really works! There is one man in particular who can attest to this fact, and his name is…
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7 Tips on How to Sleep Better and Cool Down This Summer
Ah, summer. It’s a lovely time of year full of friends, fun, and long hours basking in the sun. It’s a season many of us yearn for during those drawn out winter months. But there is one downside to the summer heat – it can be incredibly hard to sleep in! Our sleep is highly…
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Essential Guide for Taking Vitamins and Supplements
Vitamin supplements, so many forms, brands, and varieties. Â While it’s easy to be intrigued with the benefits offered by vitamin supplements, determining which ones are best for you, can be a daunting task. Â A multitude of factors are to be considered when purchasing supplements such as age, gender, health conditions, and lifestyle. When possible, attaining…
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Caution: Grapefruit and Medication Interactions
Grapefruit is a delicious citrus fruit with many health benefits. However, it can interact with some common medications, altering their effects on your body. If you’re curious about the grapefruit warning on many medicines, this article will help you understand why it’s there and what your options are. Here’s a closer look at 32 common drugs that may…
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3 Types of Skin Cancer: Surprising Causes of Melanoma
It’s a familiar feeling… The skies are clear and summer days are longer which means you’re getting ready to spend more time basking in sunlight. We don’t blame you – vitamin D is vital especially after a dark, cold winter. So, what’s the number one way to protect yourself from skin cancer? Spread on the…
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Fibromyalgia Isn’t All In Your Head
Do you have widespread pain and feel excessively tired most of the time? Do these symptoms get to the point where they become debilitating? Well, it’s not all in your head and you shouldn’t blame these feelings on being overworked. You might actually have a condition known as fibromyalgia. Like most invisible illnesses, fibromyalgia is…
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How You Can Still Get Cancer (Even If You Live A Healthy Lifestyle)
Out of sight, out of mind is a saying many people live by but, when it comes to your food, this mindset could be sacrificing your health. While big-name billboard carcinogens such as smoking cigarettes and asbestos make all the headlines, millions of people consume potentially harmful toxic adulterants every single day. That red delicious…
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Top 7 Health Benefits of Black-Eyed Peas
Black-eyed peas are one of those underrated foods that everyone knows about (especially with the help of a certain music group), but probably don’t actually add them to the grocery shopping list. If you have already included food like black-eyed peas as part of your everyday meal, then continue to do so! However, if you…
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Dad Nearly Dies From Biting His Fingernails – After it Triggered Killer Sepsis Infection
Imagine one day feeling perfectly fine, you go about your daily routine and nothing’s out of the norm. Then suddenly you feel like you’re getting the flu, only the symptoms are getting much worse by the hour. Eventually you realize that you don’t have the flu at all, you have something much more severe –…
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Your Gut Bacteria Could Be Causing Body-Wide Inflammation, Study Finds
Finding a link between osteoarthritis and the bacteria in our guts seems unlikely. However, new research concludes that they could, in fact, be bedfellows. Obesity comes with a raft of related health risks, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is also intimately tied to osteoarthritis. Often referred to as the “wear and tear” arthritis, osteoarthritis involves the slow degradation…
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Alpha-Gal Allergy: Meet the Tick Forcing Americans to Give up Meat
On May 1, 2018, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that between 2004 and 2016, tickborne illnesses more than doubled.[1] And because of what researchers are linking to climate change, there’s no sign of the trend slowing down. In fact, ticks with the ability to transmit disease to people are invading more areas than…
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Israeli Research Links Acetaminophen During Pregnancy to Autism, ADHD
Over the last few years, there has been a growing concern around acetaminophen. Some scientists are convinced that acetaminophen (which is the active ingredient in Tylenol) can dull the brain’s response to certain stimuli and even make you less empathetic towards people in pain. On top of all of this, an extensive study now suggests…
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5 Major Grocers Receive Failing Grades for Selling Antibiotic-Filled Chicken
Ignorance may be bliss but when you hear that 700,000 people die every year from antibiotic-resistant infections (at least 23,000 of which are in the United States), the glaring problem is a hard one to ignore. Reports even suggest this number can grow to 10,000,000 deaths per year by 2050 – if nothing changes.[1,2] In…
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Baking Soda: Could It Be A New Hope for Autoimmune Disorders?
Does NaCO3 mean anything to you? Sodium Bicarbonate? How about baking soda? It’s the white powdery substance you’ve likely used in cake and loaf recipes, toxin-free appliance cleaners, or DIY skin care products. Long before it hit North American shelves and quickly became a household staple, ancient Egyptians used sodium bicarbonate to help treat various…
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A Hazardous Chemical in Your Toothpaste, Hand Soap, and Even Toys?
Triclosan is a “super chemicalâ€� meant to fight the spread of germs, but with the emergence of drug-resistant superbugs, the question is whether it really fights the good fight or just creates bigger problems. The answer is pretty straightforward. Triclosan is a major player when it comes to the problem of antibiotic resistance, which is becoming more common and more deadly…
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The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Secrets for Preventing and Treating Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is an extremely common concern in current times, a condition where cells cannot use sugar (glucose) properly for energy. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas when we eat in order to take sugar into our cells for energy. Too much sugar (including factors that raise sugar levels, like stress) taxes the pancreas…
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Why You Need to Monitor Cardiovascular Health on the Keto Diet
You may have only recently heard about the ketogenic diet, a very high-fat, low-carb diet that’s taking the nutrition world by storm—but believe it or not, the keto diet has been around since the 1920s. The ketogenic diet (or keto, for short) was originally developed by doctors for medicinal use, especially for helping to treat…
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Top 5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Prevent Plaque, Hypertension, and Heart Disease
Almost all of us know someone who’s been affected by heart disease. As the leading cause of death worldwide, it’s estimated that about 92 million American adults have at least some form of heart disease, and by 2030, researchers project that nearly 44 percent of the US population will be affected. (1) Atherosclerosis is one…
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18 Ways to Replace Cancer-Linked Sweeteners Overnight
Do you have a sweet tooth? If you do you’re not alone. Two hundred years ago, the average American ate only 2 pounds of sugar a year. Nearly fifty years ago in seventies, the average American ate 123 pounds of sugar per year.  Today the average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar a year. That…
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