The cheap and easy way to get rid of head lice almost instantly

Pierre Van ZylBody, Essential Oils, Family and Parenting, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Therapies, Home, Life & Spirituality, Lifestyle, Pets, Skin, Hair & Nails


Everyone remembers the periodic head lice checks at school, and the tense days after when letters are sent out informing parents that “a student in your child’s class has lice”, or worse, you were the one with the nasty critters running around on your scalp. Though head lice are not dangerous, their bites are annoyingly itchy and… View Article

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7 surprisingly effective yoga poses for beautiful breasts

Pierre Van ZylBody, Circulation, Fitness, Heart, Hearty Beauty, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Life & Spirituality, Lifestyle, Migraines, Headaches, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Other


As women, our boobs are a marker of womanhood. For most of us, our boobs are the first sign of the transition between childhood and becoming an adult, often long before our period crashes the party and makes us question if growing up is really for us. Many of us remember putting on our first… View Article

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Nobody told you about these simple soups that help prevent breast cancer and 8 other health conditions

Pierre Van ZylBody, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Beauty, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, My Body, My Food, Quick & Easy, Recipes, Specific Diet, Type, Weight Loss


This fantastic article was written by Sarah Biren, a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. We encourage you to check out her website here! It is astounding how much damage can be done by one minor hormone imbalance. The entire endocrine system works throughout your body coordinating the vital chemical messengers also known… View Article

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4 reasons why being in a garden is better than medication – lower blood pressure, anxiety and more

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Therapies


This amazing guest post was written by Irma Hunkeler, a writer and digital marketer. You can check out her website here. In need of a pick-me-up? If you’re feeling down, burned out or just in need of something new in your life, the remedy could well be on your doorstep. Step out into your garden… View Article

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Butter or olive oil? Eggs or no eggs? New report debunks every popular health myth

Pierre Van ZylBody, Food, Hearty Lifestyle


We’ve heard it all: Fat is bad! Carbs are bad! Don’t have too much protein! Food myths are all over the internet but are rarely backed by facts. But should we be surprised? This is the same internet brimming with conspiracies like if the Beatles ever existed (what?!). With your sanity in mind, we’ve taken… View Article

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This is why Australia no longer does the pap test and still has lowest rates of cervical cancer

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Estrogen Dominance, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Soul Activism, Hearty Therapies, Hormone, Lifestyle, Menopause


Since its invention in 1928, the Pap Smear has saved thousands of women’s lives by detecting the early signs of cervical cancer. When caught early, women have a 93% survival rate, as compared to a 13% chance when not found until the final stage of this deadly cancer. (1) New knowledge on the role of human… View Article

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5 Benefits of Strength Training and Why Lifting Weights Isn’t Bad

Pierre Van ZylAlzheimer's, Blood Pressure, Body, Bone & Joint, Depression, Diabetes, Fitness, Fractures/Sprains, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hormone, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Nerve, Osteoarthritis, Weight Loss


Every day, thousands of people flock to the gym to trudge grudgingly on a treadmill or other cardio machine for a predetermined amount of time. When we’ve become sufficiently sweaty, we head to the bathroom scale and hold our breath — willing the tiny needle to stop going up, up, up. Despite our hours at the… View Article

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Exercise may be the most effective antidepressant for children, study suggests

Pierre Van ZylBody, Depression, Family and Parenting, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Soul Activism, Hearty Therapies, Hormone, Life & Spirituality, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Relationships


Time spent outside of school for children today is a lot different than it was 50 years ago. Kids are spending less time playing outside, and more time sitting in front of a screen, watching TV, playing video games, and on social media. This sedentary behavior is impacting our kids’ health, not just physically, but… View Article

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A workout nearly destroyed this man’s kidneys because of this mistake

Pierre Van ZylBody, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Soul Activism, Lifestyle, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Vegan, Vegetarian


For most of us, dragging ourselves out the door to go do a workout is a herculean effort in and of itself. We admire those who seem to never run out of motivation, watch them test their mental and physical limits in awe, only for them to return the next day for more. It’s hard… View Article

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6 hidden additives you’re eating that are linked to cancer, heart disease and more

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Diabetes, Food, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, My Food


This amazing article was written by Kelly Agnew, a Holistic Nutritionist! We encourage you to check out her website here and follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter! This is what food additives do to your body + cancer risk Food additives surround us. They’re in almost all of the manufactured food in our… View Article

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6 hidden additives you’re eating that are linked to cancer, heart disease and more

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Diabetes, Food, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, My Food


This amazing article was written by Kelly Agnew, a Holistic Nutritionist! We encourage you to check out her website here and follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter! This is what food additives do to your body + cancer risk Food additives surround us. They’re in almost all of the manufactured food in our… View Article

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This one common mistake will make you gain weight when you exercise

Pierre Van ZylBody, Bone & Joint, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, My Body, Weight Loss


This amazing post was written by Industrial Athletic, a top manufacturer of strength and fitness equipment. We encourage you to check out their website here! Losing weight is a popular and commendable goal, but when beginning to navigate the vast amount of theories, diets, and exercise routines available to those looking to accomplish weight loss,… View Article

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9 warning signs that you actually have an obsessive ‘healthy eating’ disorder

Pierre Van ZylFood, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, My Body


This amazing guest post was written by Christy Hall, a Wellness Mindset Coach and Hypnotist. We encourage you to check out her website! It hardly seems like a bad thing to focus on eating healthier when so much of the population is overweight or obese. And yet, for some, a focus on eating healthier develops… View Article

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The way you sleep could be causing your back pain. Here’s why

Pierre Van ZylAdrenal, Beverages, Body, Bone & Joint, Depression, Diabetes, Digestion, Essential Oils, Fitness, Food, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Therapies, herbs, Hormone, Hot Drinks, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Migraines, Headaches, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Quick & Easy, Recipes, Sciatic Pain, Sleep, Spices, Superfoods, Teas, Type, Weight Loss


As a society, we are chronically underslept. Adults should be getting 7.5-8 hours of shut-eye each night, but are averaging less than 7. (1) Once you take into account the actually quality of that sleep (i.e. undisturbed and restful), the outlook is pretty grim. We’ve turned into a nation of sleepwalkers, and it now may be one… View Article

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How to make the world’s tastiest protein-brownies without using any sugar

Pierre Van ZylAllergies, Brands to Avoid, Dairy-free, Desserts, Digestion, Fitness, Food, Gluten-free, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Paleo, Raw, Recipes, Snacks, Soy-free, Specific Diet, Superfoods, Vegan, Vegetarian, Weight Loss


Let’s all take a moment to be honest with ourselves: If brownies were good for us, we would eat them every day. As it turns out, with a few substitutions, you can have your cake (err, brownie) and eat it, too, with these sugar-free, gluten-free protein brownies. Not only are they sweetened with Stevia and packed… View Article

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14 foods that will help you look 10 years younger

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Detoxification, eczema, Food, Heart, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Therapies, Hormone, leaky gut, Lifestyle, Other, Psoriasis, Recipes, Skin, Hair & Nails, Superfoods, Teas, Weight Loss


Like it or not, aging is a fact of life. It’s better than the alternative we say to ourselves. That doesn’t mean that we can’t age gracefully, however, and look beautiful no matter what decade of life we are in. Your skin is a complex three-layered organ that is exposed to both intrinsic (within the body)… View Article

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How one woman used pilates to power her recovery from breast cancer

Pierre Van ZylBody, Bone & Joint, Cancer, Depression, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Soul Activism, Hearty Therapies, Life & Spirituality, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Nerve


Much of breast cancer prevention advertising campaigns have been centered around the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and the importance of a regular exercise routine. Studies show that regular, moderate-intensity cardiovascular and strength training reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in both pre- and postmenopausal women. (1) (2) (3) But, what happens when… View Article

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8 acupressure points you can use to relieve migraines and headaches

Pierre Van ZylArthritis, Body, Bone & Joint, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Therapies, Lifestyle, Migraines, Headaches, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Other, Vision


Headaches can be debilitating. Whether it’s a sinus headache resulting from a cold, a cluster headache, or a full-blown migraine, headaches prevent you from getting work done, participating in the activities you love, and enjoying time with friends and family. You have probably been told by your doctor to take a painkiller as soon as… View Article

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12 toxic cleaning brands you should never use (and 8 natural alternatives)

Pierre Van ZylAllergies, Brands to Avoid, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Home


This amazing guest post was written by Jenni + Mimi, Registered Holistic Nutritionists and founders of The Naughty Nutritionists! Join our Naughty Kitchen and Download your FREE copy of “10 Naughty Secrets to NEVER diet again” …includes 3 mouthwatering chocolate-based recipes. Download here! You’re eating clean, exercising and making every effort to live a healthier… View Article

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12 toxic cleaning brands you should never use (and 8 natural alternatives)

Pierre Van ZylAllergies, Brands to Avoid, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Home


This amazing guest post was written by Jenni + Mimi, Registered Holistic Nutritionists and founders of The Naughty Nutritionists! Join our Naughty Kitchen and Download your FREE copy of “10 Naughty Secrets to NEVER diet again” …includes 3 mouthwatering chocolate-based recipes. Download here! You’re eating clean, exercising and making every effort to live a healthier… View Article

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Green tea extract linked to liver failure: “If you take enough of it, it can kill you”

Pierre Van ZylBody, death, Detoxification, exercise, Fitness, Food, green tea, green tea extract, Healthy Lifestyle, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, jaundice, Lifestyle, lifestyle change, Liver, liver failure, liver toxicity, Teas, theheartysoul, vegetables, walking, water, Weight Loss


Green tea has been used for centuries to boost energy levels, fight back against common illness, and even as a staple in skin and hair care routines.(1) We drink it, cook with it, and rub it on our faces more than any other tea in the world. But has our obsession with green tea become… View Article

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Toxic Shock Warning: woman sues tampon company after losing her leg after using tampons

Pierre Van Zylactivist, Body, cloth pads, cotton, diva cup, gangrene, health, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, lauren wasser, Lifestyle, menstrual cup, model, organic cotton, Other, pads, period, period panties, sea sponge, tampons, toxic shock syndrome


From the moment puberty begins, girls are taught by their mom’s the ins and outs of tampon usage. We’re introduced to the different brands available, how to use the applicator, and most importantly to change our tampon every four hours. We know there is a risk of developing toxic shock syndrome, but understand the risk… View Article

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The 4-minute workout routine that helps you burn fat like crazy

Pierre Van ZylBody, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, My Body


This article is shared with permission from our friends at Going to the gym can be impractical when you’re a mom of littles, but thankfully many great workouts can be done from home. That’s why I’m such a fan of the Tabata workout, and it just might be the perfect choice for moms on the run … pun… View Article

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The 4-minute workout routine that helps you burn fat like crazy

Pierre Van ZylBody, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, My Body


This article is shared with permission from our friends at Going to the gym can be impractical when you’re a mom of littles, but thankfully many great workouts can be done from home. That’s why I’m such a fan of the Tabata workout, and it just might be the perfect choice for moms on the run … pun… View Article

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This ‘Robin Hood’ restaurant charges the rich and gives the homeless free meals

Pierre Van ZylHearty Lifestyle, Hearty Soul Activism, Life & Spirituality, Lifestyle


There’s a restaurant in Madrid that’s flipping the business on its side. Known as the Robin Hood restaurant, they charge the rich to feed the poor. It’s become Spain’s most sought-after lunch reservation. The Robin Hood restaurant has managed to poach staff from luxury hotels and celebrity chefs, and for paying customers, lunch is fully… View Article

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Count hormones not calories! 5 ways that ‘diets’ are making you fat

Pierre Van ZylBody, Digestion, Hearty Lifestyle


This article is shared with permission from our friends at People who are trying to lose weight often restrict the number of calories they eat. However, restricting calories too severely can lead to a variety of health problems, including reduced fertility and weaker bones. This article describes 5 potentially harmful effects of calorie restriction and helps you… View Article

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