3 types of tummies that AREN’T caused by excess weight

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Digestion, Fitness, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hormone, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, leaky gut, Lifestyle, Liver, Menopause, Weight Loss

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At any given time of year, at least a few of the magazines on the shelves will have some article or headline dedicated to helping you finally achieve that oh-so-coveted flat stomach, six pack abs, toned tummy, sexy midriff – whatever you want to call it.  For many of us, though, we do our best… View Article

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What Is Ketosis? Hint: It Can Help You Burn Fat & Suppress Your Appetite

Jillian BabcockDiet, Eating Plans & Lists, ketosis, Nutrition, nutritional ketosis, symptoms of ketosis, Weight Loss

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We’ve longed been told that calorie restriction, increasing exercise and reducing dietary fat intake are the keys to weight loss. But, if you’ve ever attempted to control your weight by subsisting on fewer calories — especially from mostly bland “diet foods”— you’re already probably aware that this typically produces minimal results and is extremely hard to stick with long-term or … Read More

What happens to your body when you walk 10,000 steps

Pierre Van ZylBlood Pressure, Body, Diabetes, Fitness, Heart, Weight Loss

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Lack of physical activity is fourth on the list of factors that contribute to death worldwide. (8) The good news is that you don’t need to go to the gym or come up with an intense exercise routine. Walking is probably the easiest form of physical activity that you can do. It’s a good habit… View Article

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New “Napercise” Classes Prove Why Sleep Is Important

Pierre Van ZylMy Lifestyle, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Eating right, working out, and getting enough sleep are the healthiest ways to stay fit. But many people aren’t getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause many health problems such as diabetes and even depression, and it can also affect your weight. David Lloyd Gyms, a gym franchise in the UK, recently launched a new… View Article

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How to Make Ginger Tea That Fights Belly Fat and Visceral Fat

Pierre Van ZylBlood Pressure, Body, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Estrogen Dominance, Fitness, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Hormone, Hot Drinks, Lifestyle, Superfoods, Teas, Weight Loss

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Feeling a little out of it and noticing changes to your overall health? Your growing belly fat might be a key reason. Fat in this part of your body isn’t just an aesthetic problem; it can be dangerous and lead to numerous health risks. Understanding the risks and reasons for this fat and taking steps… View Article

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4 ingredients that will help you get the flat belly you want

Pierre Van ZylBody, Food, Recipes, Weight Loss

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You can find weight loss tips everywhere you look, so it’s easy to get confused about the truth on the most effective way to lose weight. The truth is that when it comes to weight loss, what you eat is more important than how much you eat. Clean, whole foods will always win over processed… View Article

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Dumping Syndrome Causes & Symptoms + 9 Natural Treatments

Christine BabcockArticles, bypass, bypass surgery, dumping, dumping syndrome diet, gastric, gastric bypass, gastric bypass surgery, gastric emptying, Gut Health, heart palpitations after eating, Nutrition, Weight Loss, what is dumping syndrome

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Dumping syndrome is the most common condition to follow bariatric surgery. Its prevalence reaches up to 50 percent in people who have had partial gastrectomy. But research suggests that weight loss is not dependent on the presence of dumping symptoms; in fact, dumping syndrome can lead to weight gain for some people. It also can substantially reduce your quality of life, resulting in … Read More

Tabata: Improve Your Fitness with 4-Minute HIIT Exercises

Pierre Van ZylBody, Fitness, Heart, Lifestyle, Weight Loss

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Tired of the same old routine, or spending 30 minutes on a workout that doesn’t challenge you? You’re not alone. Tabata workouts are emerging as a more convenient and rewarding way to get your sweat on. These workouts only take 4 minutes of your time but improve your fitness and energy levels significantly more than… View Article

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Why Am I Hungry? Weird Things Stoking Your Appetite

Leah ZerbeArticles, Hormonal Health, hunger and hormones, hunger triggers, Weight Loss, weird things that make people hungry, why am i hungry all of the time

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“Why am I hungry … like all of the time?” Is that a question you’re asking a lot lately? That’s because weight loss is a bit more complicated than “calories in, calories out.” While that is certainly important, getting your hormones under control is key to stifle an out-of-control appetite. Luckily, you’re not destined for a life of counting calories … Read More

Cinnamon-Egg Shakshuka: Fight Pain and Inflammation for Breakfast

Pierre Van ZylDiabetes, Hearty Beauty, Hearty Body, Recipes, Spices, Weight Loss

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This fantastic article was written by Sarah Biren, a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. We encourage you to check out her website here! The first time I ordered shakshuka, I had no idea what I would be served. ‘Shakshuka’ ambiguously means ‘mixture’ or ‘to shake’ in Arabic, but I am not fluent… View Article

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Fantastic New Study: taking a hot bath may be as effective as 30 minutes of exercise

Pierre Van ZylArthritis, Blood Pressure, Body, Bone & Joint, Circulation, Detoxification, Digestion, Essential Oils, Fitness, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Therapies, Lifestyle, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Osteoarthritis, Weight Loss

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When coming home after a tiring 8-hour day at work, getting the right amount of exercise can be challenging. We’re stressed out, tired, and have spent hours accommodating other people. Taking a half-hour walk is likely not the most appealing way to spend your limited amount of free time. However, while exercise is important, it… View Article

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This happens to your brain, inflammation and belly fat when you eat high-fat, low-carb foods

Pierre Van ZylBody, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Weight Loss

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Dr. Mercola.  The strategies I present in my newest book, “Fat for Fuel,” are just too valuable for your well-being. That’s why you should not pass up this chance to ensure your copy! Pre-order now and receive 6 free bonus gifts. By Dr. Mercola There’s… View Article

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43 studies confirm: low-fat diets cause weight gain and have a “disastrous impact on our health”

Pierre Van ZylBody, Weight Loss

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Mercola.com The strategies I present in my newest book, “Fat for Fuel,” are just too valuable for your well-being. That’s why you should not pass up this chance to ensure your copy! Pre-order now and receive 6 free bonus gifts.   By Dr. Mercola The idea… View Article

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15 tiny lifestyle tweaks that will help you lose a crazy amount of weight

Pierre Van ZylBeverages, Body, Brands to Avoid, Digestion, Essential Oils, Fitness, Food, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, herbs, Hormone, Lifestyle, Recipes, Sleep, Spices, Type, Weight Loss

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Losing weight is often more complicated than it seems on the surface. Whole grains? No grains? Low fat? No- fat is good, carbs are bad! Cardio is best for weight loss; No, strength training is more effective! Trying to navigate through tips from “life coaches”, personal trainers, dieticians and nutritionists is daunting, overwhelming, and instead of losing… View Article

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How to force your body to burn fat as fuel by eliminating this type of food from your diet

Pierre Van ZylBody, Weight Loss

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By Dr. Mercola Endurance athletes have been told for decades that carb loading is necessary to perform at the top. To suggest otherwise has long been regarded as heresy — or at the very least as foolish. But quietly, many athletes got wind of a new type of diet — a high-fat, low-net carb (total… View Article

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How to force your body to burn fat as fuel by eliminating this type of food from your diet

Pierre Van ZylBody, Weight Loss

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By Dr. Mercola Endurance athletes have been told for decades that carb loading is necessary to perform at the top. To suggest otherwise has long been regarded as heresy — or at the very least as foolish. But quietly, many athletes got wind of a new type of diet — a high-fat, low-net carb (total… View Article

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Guinness World Record holder: the secret to rapid fat loss is not just diet or exercise, it’s temperature control

Pierre Van ZylBody, Weight Loss

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Have you ever heard of that crazy trend where you submerge your body in a tub of ice in order to help lose weight? Are you wondering if this trend really works? According to journalist and anthropologist Scott Carney, this trend is definitely onto something extraordinary. In Carney’s book, What Doesn’t Kill Us, he investigates… View Article

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2 common habits that force inflammation to grow inside your body – do THIS to reverse it

Pierre Van ZylAlzheimer's, Body, Brands to Avoid, Depression, Food, Heart, Hormone, leaky gut, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Weight Loss

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It seems funny (not always) how the human body fights causes of pain with more pain. When you’re suffering through that bout of painful inflammation, it can seem like you’re the only one going through the pain. In one way, you are. But in another, you’re experiencing a response to acute or chronic inflammation that… View Article

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Nobody told you about these simple soups that help prevent breast cancer and 8 other health conditions

Pierre Van ZylBody, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Beauty, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, My Body, My Food, Quick & Easy, Recipes, Specific Diet, Type, Weight Loss

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This fantastic article was written by Sarah Biren, a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. We encourage you to check out her website here! It is astounding how much damage can be done by one minor hormone imbalance. The entire endocrine system works throughout your body coordinating the vital chemical messengers also known… View Article

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5 Benefits of Strength Training and Why Lifting Weights Isn’t Bad

Pierre Van ZylAlzheimer's, Blood Pressure, Body, Bone & Joint, Depression, Diabetes, Fitness, Fractures/Sprains, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hormone, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Nerve, Osteoarthritis, Weight Loss

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Every day, thousands of people flock to the gym to trudge grudgingly on a treadmill or other cardio machine for a predetermined amount of time. When we’ve become sufficiently sweaty, we head to the bathroom scale and hold our breath — willing the tiny needle to stop going up, up, up. Despite our hours at the… View Article

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This one common mistake will make you gain weight when you exercise

Pierre Van ZylBody, Bone & Joint, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, My Body, Weight Loss

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This amazing post was written by Industrial Athletic, a top manufacturer of strength and fitness equipment. We encourage you to check out their website here! Losing weight is a popular and commendable goal, but when beginning to navigate the vast amount of theories, diets, and exercise routines available to those looking to accomplish weight loss,… View Article

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The way you sleep could be causing your back pain. Here’s why

Pierre Van ZylAdrenal, Beverages, Body, Bone & Joint, Depression, Diabetes, Digestion, Essential Oils, Fitness, Food, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Therapies, herbs, Hormone, Hot Drinks, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Migraines, Headaches, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Quick & Easy, Recipes, Sciatic Pain, Sleep, Spices, Superfoods, Teas, Type, Weight Loss

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As a society, we are chronically underslept. Adults should be getting 7.5-8 hours of shut-eye each night, but are averaging less than 7. (1) Once you take into account the actually quality of that sleep (i.e. undisturbed and restful), the outlook is pretty grim. We’ve turned into a nation of sleepwalkers, and it now may be one… View Article

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How to make the world’s tastiest protein-brownies without using any sugar

Pierre Van ZylAllergies, Brands to Avoid, Dairy-free, Desserts, Digestion, Fitness, Food, Gluten-free, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Paleo, Raw, Recipes, Snacks, Soy-free, Specific Diet, Superfoods, Vegan, Vegetarian, Weight Loss

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Let’s all take a moment to be honest with ourselves: If brownies were good for us, we would eat them every day. As it turns out, with a few substitutions, you can have your cake (err, brownie) and eat it, too, with these sugar-free, gluten-free protein brownies. Not only are they sweetened with Stevia and packed… View Article

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14 foods that will help you look 10 years younger

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Detoxification, eczema, Food, Heart, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Therapies, Hormone, leaky gut, Lifestyle, Other, Psoriasis, Recipes, Skin, Hair & Nails, Superfoods, Teas, Weight Loss

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Like it or not, aging is a fact of life. It’s better than the alternative we say to ourselves. That doesn’t mean that we can’t age gracefully, however, and look beautiful no matter what decade of life we are in. Your skin is a complex three-layered organ that is exposed to both intrinsic (within the body)… View Article

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Man loses 176 pounds in under a year by following these 3 steps

Pierre Van ZylBody, Fitness, Hearty Body, Hearty Mind, Life & Spirituality, Lifestyle, Weight Loss

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In a hyper-digital age of selfies and #TransformationTuesdays, we are inundated with images of the physical body. That’s what many people tend to fall in love with – the aesthetically perfect body. And there’s nothing wrong with that, per se. What we tend to forget, however, is the immense mental strength you must build as… View Article

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Green tea extract linked to liver failure: “If you take enough of it, it can kill you”

Pierre Van ZylBody, death, Detoxification, exercise, Fitness, Food, green tea, green tea extract, Healthy Lifestyle, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, jaundice, Lifestyle, lifestyle change, Liver, liver failure, liver toxicity, Teas, theheartysoul, vegetables, walking, water, Weight Loss

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Green tea has been used for centuries to boost energy levels, fight back against common illness, and even as a staple in skin and hair care routines.(1) We drink it, cook with it, and rub it on our faces more than any other tea in the world. But has our obsession with green tea become… View Article

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Atkins Diet: How It Works, Health Benefits, Plus Precautions

Jillian BabcockArticles, atikins diet plan, atkins, atkins diet, Brain Health, Heart Disease, low card foods, low-carb diet, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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The Atkins diet — a popular low- or modified-carb diet that’s high in fats and proteins but low in things like sugar, fruit, grains and many processed foods — has been around for more than 40 years. Various books written about the Atkins diet are some of the best-selling in the diet category, with more than 45 million sold worldwide. The … Read More

What Is Butyric Acid? 6 Butyric Acid Benefits You Need to Know About

Annie Pricebutanoic acid, butanoic acid structure, butyrate, Butyric Acid, butyric acid supplement, Cancer, Digestive Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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You may not have realized it, but chances are you’ve consumed something called butyric acid before, and believe it or not, your body produces it as well. It’s true — butyric acid, also known as butanoic acid or BTA, is a saturated short-chain fatty acid found in butter, ghee, raw milk, animal fats and plant oils. It’s also formed in and therefore found in our colons … Read More

Top 7 Algae Benefits that May Surprise You

Annie Pricealgae, alge definition, Anti-Aging, Articles, blue green algae, Cancer, green algae, Heart Disease, Nutrition, red algae, Toxicity, Weight Loss

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Algae are some of the most primitive life forms found on Earth and have been consumed as food and medicine for centuries. Human consumption of the blue-green algae called spirulina actually goes back to the Aztec civilization of the 14th century, and this type, including spirulina and chlorella, is the edible variety most commonly used in supplements. In fact, algae benefits are so … Read More

5 Drinks that Leave Pumpkin Spiced Lattes in the Dust

Leah Zerbedrinks better than pumpkin spiced latte, fall drink recipes, fall drinks, Healthy Recipes, healthy tea recipes, homemade pumpkin spiced latte, Nutrition, pumpkin spiced latte alternatives, Weight Loss

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As the cool breezes and gusty winds of autumn set in, there’s no doubt grabbing a pumpkin spiced latte at a local coffee chain sounds like a great idea. But maybe you’ve been warned about the one pumpkin spiced latte ingredient you always need to avoid. Or maybe you’re already aware that a typical 16-ounce pumpkin spiced latte contains a whopping 50 grams … Read More

Ugli Fruit Benefits the Heart, Waist & Immune System

Rebekah EdwardsBrain Health, Cancer, Heart Disease, Immune System, jamaican citrus fruit, Nutrition, tangelo nutrition, ugli, ugli fruit, ugly fruit, Weight Loss

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It doesn’t seem very nice to name a fruit based on its appearance, but I’m going to let it slide this time with ugli fruit — because this very unattractive fruit is only ugly on the surface. Ugli fruit is a crossbred fruit found in a tropical climate, and it’s an incredible source of vitamin C, fiber and other nutrients, … Read More

The SlimFast Diet: Why It’s Bad for You + What’s Better

Kissairis Munozdoes slimfast work, slimfast, slimfast diet review, slimfast shakes, Toxicity, Weight Loss

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Imagine a diet where you can magically slurp on drinks that leave you feeling full, so that you can enjoy a healthy, well-balanced meal later in the day. You’ll sneak in a few snacks, lose weight quickly, feel great and you’ll never struggle with the scale again. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? That’s the fantasy that diet food giant SlimFast is peddling. … Read More