Dinner of Champions/ Freebies From My New Book

Pierre Van Zylbooks, cooking, dinner, Food, Genmedmom, Healthy Lifestyle, Heart Disease, lifestyle medicine

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Genmedmom here.

Yes, this lovely photo of walnuts, dark chocolate, and red wine against the backdrop of Christmas was my real dinner.

This was several weeks ago. Hubby was traveling. I’d worked a long clinic day, and had just picked the kids up from my mother’s. My school-age kids ended up with yogurt, fruit, and cereal, while I ended up with this dinner of champions.

But it’s not a bad dinner, from a nutrition standpoint. Actually, I was rather proud of what I’d put together, for cardiovascular reasons.

After all, I’ve done my research: I’ve just published a book on this! Healthy Habits for Your Heart is a behavior change focused evidence-based diet and lifestyle book for heart health. I was a bit insane about including the supporting science, so the references section is way larger than the publishers wanted. The first section of the book is all about how our behaviors impact our heart health, and how to approach habit change. Then, for each suggested diet and lifestyle habit, I’ve included tips to make it stick.

Want a free preview? Here you go! Pasted directly from the book, to you!

I hope folks find it helpful for them and for their patients.

From Chapter 5, Eat For Your Life: Nutrition Habits, here is the lowdown on nuts, chocolate, and wine:

#34: Eat Four Servings of Nuts Per Week
Nuts are good for your heart and your life. Research shows that eating four servings of nuts per week was associated with a significantly lower risk of having coronary heart disease (19 percent) or any type of cardiovascular disease (28 percent). ere was also a significantly lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease (22 percent), cardiovascular disease (22 percent), sudden cardiac death (75 percent), or anything at all (19 percent). e studies looked at tree nuts (which include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts) as well as peanuts (which are technically a legume but nutritionally similar to tree nuts).

Another study found that for every one serving per week increase in nuts, there was a 10 percent lower risk of having coronary heart disease. is may be due to the fact that nuts are a rich source of healthy oils. Nuts also are great sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. Nuts are an important part of the classic Mediterranean diet, which we know is a very good diet for heart health. (Allergies are a consideration here. For people who are allergic to nuts, this habit doesn’t apply. As a doctor, I’m going to remind you to update your epinephrine auto-injector and carry it with you at all times!)

What Does One Serving Size of Nuts Look Like?
Per the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI):

  • 1cup nuts (equal to 11ounces)
  • 2 tablespoons nut butter 

Tips to Make the Habit Stick:

  • Regularly stock up on nuts, but keep budget in mind. Nuts are cheaper when bought in larger quantities or ordered online. Shop around for your favorite sources.
  • Nuts can go rancid. Store them in airtight containers. Glass is ideal.
  • Make a portion of your favorite nuts a regular go-to snack. Have
    some in your bag or desk at work at all times.
  • Get in the habit of adding a handful of nuts to your meals, be it
    yogurt, oatmeal, salads, or stir-fries.
  • Try these recipes: Apple Cinnamon Walnut Overnight Oats; Fill-
    ing Fruit and Nut Bowl with Greek Yogurt; Nutty Tabbouleh Salad (in Appendix A). 

#35: Enjoy Two To Three Servings of Dark Chocolate Per Week

Research has consistently shown that people who regularly eat chocolate have lower blood pressure, blood sugars, and less heart disease. Chocolate comes from the toasted seeds of the cacao plant, which is rich in healthy plant chemicals called flavonoids, specifically cocoa flavanols. Cocoa flavanols have beneficial effects on our blood vessels by neutralizing toxins, which helps prevent stiffness and plaque buildup, as well as promoting healing.
The darker the chocolate, the more cocoa flavanols it has. Milk chocolate sometimes has barely any (it can range from 10–50 percent) and also tends to have more unhealthy fat added. For this reason, I recommend only dark chocolate (at least 60 percent cacao, though the darker the better) and only a small amount. One serving is two small squares (about 50–60 grams total), and science suggests that two or three servings per week provide the most benefit.
Do you like chocolate, but not dark chocolate? It is less sweet but definitely much better for you than milk chocolate. e intense cocoa taste is what can help prevent us from overeating this calorie-dense treat. Start with a small amount and build up over time. The less milk chocolate you eat, the more dark chocolate will begin to taste like normal chocolate to you. 

Tips to Make the Habit Stick:

  • Add a teaspoon of pure unsweetened cocoa powder to your co ee in the morning for a mocha treat.
  • Use only dark chocolate chips or chunks (60 percent or higher cacao) in baking and cooking. 
  • Try these recipes: Dark Chocolate–Dipped Strawberries; Orange Pistachio Dark Chocolate Bark; Cherry Chocolate Overnight Oats (in Appendix A).
  • Use pure unsweetened cocoa powder in your savory cooking as well. Try the Antioxidant Chili recipe in Appendix A.
  • If you have a tendency to eat more than a serving (two small squares), consider buying only small amounts at a time or dividing what you buy into serving sizes as soon as you get home. 

#42: Limit Alcohol, Although A Small Amount Daily Can Be Heart-Protective

People who drink a small amount of alcohol every day tend to have lower risk of coronary heart disease when compared to people who don’t drink or to people who drink heavily. Research shows that light drinking can lower the risk of developing heart disease a great deal (between 40 and 70 percent) and also lower the risk of related diseases such as strokes, aortic aneurysms, and peripheral arterial disease. Wine (red wine especially) seems to be the best choice, though the protective e ect is seen with all types of alcohol. e active component in red wine is thought to be an antioxidant plant nutrient called resveratrol, but studies that have isolated this compound and given it to participants as a supplement have not shown any promising results to date. (Of note, that seems to be the case with all supplements.)

But this doesn’t mean it’s advisable to pick up a drinking habit. Alco- hol won’t erase the risk brought on by other factors. Drinking any amount over what’s recommended will actually increase the risk of heart disease by causing high triglycerides (a form of cholesterol), high blood pressure, and weight gain. Alcohol can also be directly toxic to the heart and is asso- ciated with arrhythmias like atrial brillation. Drinking too much—even just a little too much—also increases the risk of cancer (particularly breast cancer), liver disease, and, obviously, alcohol addiction.
For all of these reasons, the American Heart Association recommends that people do not start drinking alcohol as a means to lower their heart disease risk.
For people who can safely drink, and who partake regularly, here is what is recommended:

Men: No more than one to two drinks per day 
Women: No more than one drink per day 

Definition of a Drink: 

  • 5 ounces of wine
  • 12 ounces of beer
  • 11⁄2 ounces of 80-proof spirits
  • 1 ounce of 100-proof spirits 

Tips to Make the Habit Stick:

  1. Hydrate well before you have any alcohol. If you’re thirsty, you may unintentionally drink too much too quickly.
  2. Measure out your drink (5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer) and then put the bottle or six-pack away.
  3. If you’re having mixed drinks, specify how much hard liquor you want and watch the bartender measure. Some bartenders are a lit- tle heavy-handed with the bottle.
  4. If you’re entertaining, mix up a pitcher of a tempting mocktail and have plenty of healthy and delicious appetizers on hand. It’s good for you and everyone else as well.
  5. Try the Bubbly Minty Mojito Mocktail recipe in Appendix A.


Research shows that (nuts)… A.J. Mayhew et al.: “A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Nut Consumption and Incident Risk of CVD and All-Cause Mortality,” e British Journal of Nutrition 115(2), 28 January 2016, pp. 212–225.
Another study found… Y.Q. Weng et al., “Association Between Nut Consumption and Coronary Heart Disease: A Meta-analysis,” Coronary Artery Disease 27(3), May 2016, pp. 227–232.
Research has consistently… E. Higginbotham and P.R. Taub, “Cardiovascular Bene ts of Dark Chocolate?,” Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine 17(12), December 2015, p. 54 and S. Yuan et al., “Chocolate Consumption and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes: A Meta- analysis of Prospective Studies,” Nutrients 9(7), 2017, p. 688
and C.S. Kwok et al., “Habitual Chocolate Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among Healthy Men and Women,”
Heart 101(16), August 2015, pp. 1,279–1,287.
Research shows that… and Drinking any amount (alcohol)… S. Bell et al., “Association Between Clinically Recorded Alcohol Consumption and Initial Presentation of 12 Cardiovascular Diseases: Population Based Cohort Study Using Linked Health Records,” e BMJ 356, 22 March 2017, p. j909 and
P.E. Ronksley et al., “Association of Alcohol Consumption with Selected Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,”
e BMJ 342, 22 February 2011, p. d671.
Alcohol can also… C. Tangney et al., “Cardiac Benefits and Risks
… UpToDate, updated March 2018, https://www.uptodate.com/ contents/cardiovascular-benefits- and-risks-of-moderate-alcohol- consumption.

Dr. Yancy: “Life’s Simple 7” Can Boost the Average Lifespan by 10 Years

Pierre Van ZylBlood Pressure, Body, Cholesterol, Fitness, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Weight Loss

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Knowing the simple steps someone needs to take to become (and stay) healthy is one thing. But actually taking those steps – as many people know – is a totally different ballgame. But it’s not impossible; in fact, even the tiniest lifestyle tweaks can make a huge difference. Depending how serious you are about turning your life… View Article

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Teenage Girl Loses 143 Pounds In Two Years By Following These 5 Simple Rules

Pierre Van ZylBody, Diabetes, Fitness, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Weight Loss

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“There are no quick fixes to weight loss,” says Mele Osai, a teenage girl who went from weighing 297 pounds to 154 pounds. Mele had been struggling with her weight since she was a child due to a poor diet and lack of exercise. Children like Mele who are obese or overweight do not just suffer… View Article

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9 Weird Warning Signs of Protein Deficiency and How to Fix It

Pierre Van ZylBlood, Blood Pressure, Body, Bone & Joint, Cancer, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Sleep, Vegan, Vegetarian

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Dr.Axe. Today, I want to talk about the importance of protein. How protein benefits your overall health in physical performance is crucial to understand. So whether you’re a weekend warrior, you’re trying to lose weight fast or you are an athlete, protein is important for everybody —… View Article

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AHA Recently Declared Coconut Oil Unhealthy – Here’s Why Science Proves The Exact Opposite

Pierre Van ZylBlood Pressure, Cholesterol, Food, Heart, Heart Disease, Superfoods, Weight Loss

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Coconut oil is good. Coconut oil is bad. If you read the recent AHA announcement earlier this month and want to yell “Shut up, shut up!  Stop confusing me!” then you’re not alone. It seems every other week the media releases a new headline that contradicts what you’ve read somewhere else or been told by… View Article

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Top 10 Most-Bought Medications You Had No Idea Could Make You Fat

Pierre Van ZylBlood, Blood Pressure, Body, Cholesterol, Circulation, Diabetes, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Liver

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This amazing post was written by Jenn Ryan, a freelance writer, and editor who’s passionate about natural health, fitness, gluten-free, and animals. You can read more of her work at thegreenwritingdesk.com. The Top 10 Medications You Had No Idea Cause You to Gain Weight I’m no stranger to gaining weight while on a particular type… View Article

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Statin Side Effects: 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put Another Statin In Your Mouth Again

Pierre Van ZylBody, Brands to Avoid, Diabetes, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Dr.Hyman. Should I Stop My Statins? You’ve probably heard of Lipitor, Zocor, and Crestor. You may even be taking one of these cholesterol-lowering drugs, which are known as statins. They are the most commonly prescribed medication, and for years, they’ve been touted as the best… View Article

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Most People Have No Idea Their Diabetes Drug Can Cause A Vitamin B12 Deficiency! Look for These 7 Warning Signs

Pierre Van ZylBlood Pressure, Body, Cholesterol, Circulation, Diabetes, Heart, Heart Disease, Hormone

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Dr. Mercola. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that your body does not make, which means you must get it via your diet or supplements. Vitamin B12, along with other B vitamins, is used by your body to convert the carbohydrates you eat into glucose… View Article

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50% of baby rice cakes contain dangerous levels of arsenic, study reveals

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Family and Parenting, Gluten-free, Heart Disease, Hearty Alternatives

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A recent study done at Queen’s University (1) in Belfast found high levels of illegal, inorganic arsenic in many baby rice food products. A professor at the university stated, “this research has shown direct evidence that babies are exposed to illegal levels of arsenic despite the EU regulation to specifically address this health challenge. Babies… View Article

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3 types of tummies that AREN’T caused by excess weight

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Digestion, Fitness, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hormone, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, leaky gut, Lifestyle, Liver, Menopause, Weight Loss

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At any given time of year, at least a few of the magazines on the shelves will have some article or headline dedicated to helping you finally achieve that oh-so-coveted flat stomach, six pack abs, toned tummy, sexy midriff – whatever you want to call it.  For many of us, though, we do our best… View Article

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The Dairy and Grain-Free Diet People Are Using to Destroy Type 2 Diabetes

Pierre Van ZylCholesterol, Diabetes, Fitness, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Lifestyle, Liver, Paleo

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Paleohacks.com. The Paleo Diet and Diabetes: Preventing and Reversing Insulin Resistence 50% of Americans are pre-diabetic. Can getting back to your ancestral roots reduce your risk? We’re in the midst of diabetes (type 2) epidemic. The global burden of diabetes doubled from 1980 to 2014,… View Article

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How to Make Ginger Tea That Fights Belly Fat and Visceral Fat

Pierre Van ZylBlood Pressure, Body, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Estrogen Dominance, Fitness, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Hormone, Hot Drinks, Lifestyle, Superfoods, Teas, Weight Loss

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Feeling a little out of it and noticing changes to your overall health? Your growing belly fat might be a key reason. Fat in this part of your body isn’t just an aesthetic problem; it can be dangerous and lead to numerous health risks. Understanding the risks and reasons for this fat and taking steps… View Article

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12 foods you should eat daily for clean and unclogged arteries

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cholesterol, Heart, Heart Disease

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Chances are, you know someone if not multiple people who have suffered from heart disease. Some of these people might be very close to your own heart and keeping it healthy is vital to avoid pain, stress, and even death. In fact, cardiovascular disease accounts for 1 of 3 deaths in the United States, making… View Article

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Unicorn Frappucino Filled with Sugar, Drink These Alternatives

Pierre Van ZylBeverages, Blood Pressure, Brands to Avoid, Dental Health, Food, Heart Disease, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Lifestyle

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The multi-coloured Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino supplies are running out, and we should probably be thankful. The large version of the drink has 76 grams of sugar which is over twice the amount that’s in a can of Coke (35g).[i] [ii]This sweet beverage was the center of attention partly for its pretty colors and complicated assembly,… View Article

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Fantastic New Study: taking a hot bath may be as effective as 30 minutes of exercise

Pierre Van ZylArthritis, Blood Pressure, Body, Bone & Joint, Circulation, Detoxification, Digestion, Essential Oils, Fitness, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Therapies, Lifestyle, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Osteoarthritis, Weight Loss

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When coming home after a tiring 8-hour day at work, getting the right amount of exercise can be challenging. We’re stressed out, tired, and have spent hours accommodating other people. Taking a half-hour walk is likely not the most appealing way to spend your limited amount of free time. However, while exercise is important, it… View Article

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World-famous cardiologist: saturated fats DO NOT cause heart disease and are not bad for you

Pierre Van ZylBody, Heart, Heart Disease

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Mercola.com The strategies I present in my newest book, “Fat for Fuel,” are just too valuable for your well-being. That’s why you should not pass up this chance to ensure your copy! Pre-order now and receive 6 free bonus gifts.   By Dr. Mercola Is saturated… View Article

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40 years old secret study hid the link between saturated fat, heart disease, and weight loss

Pierre Van ZylBody, Heart, Heart Disease

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This article is shared with permission from our friends at Mercola.com By Dr. Mercola The strategies I present in my newest book, “Fat for Fuel,” are just too valuable for your well-being. That’s why you should not pass up this chance to ensure your copy! Pre-order now and receive 6 free bonus gifts.   In all… View Article

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These 20 common medications are linked to memory loss! Stop using them immediately or follow these steps if you need to use them:

Pierre Van ZylAllergies, Alzheimer's, Body, Cholesterol, Depression, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Soul Activism, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Migraines, Headaches, Nerve, Other, Parkinson's, Sleep

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The human brain is arguably the most complicated and least understood organ in the human body. It controls everything we do, think, and feel. The size of our human brains is why we have evolved far past any other animal on the planet. We are one of the only mammals on the planet who can… View Article

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These 20 common medications are linked to memory loss! Stop using them immediately or follow these steps if you need to use them:

Pierre Van ZylAllergies, Alzheimer's, Body, Cholesterol, Depression, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Soul Activism, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Migraines, Headaches, Nerve, Other, Parkinson's, Sleep

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The human brain is arguably the most complicated and least understood organ in the human body. It controls everything we do, think, and feel. The size of our human brains is why we have evolved far past any other animal on the planet. We are one of the only mammals on the planet who can… View Article

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5 Benefits of Strength Training and Why Lifting Weights Isn’t Bad

Pierre Van ZylAlzheimer's, Blood Pressure, Body, Bone & Joint, Depression, Diabetes, Fitness, Fractures/Sprains, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hormone, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Nerve, Osteoarthritis, Weight Loss

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Every day, thousands of people flock to the gym to trudge grudgingly on a treadmill or other cardio machine for a predetermined amount of time. When we’ve become sufficiently sweaty, we head to the bathroom scale and hold our breath — willing the tiny needle to stop going up, up, up. Despite our hours at the… View Article

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The way you sleep could be causing your back pain. Here’s why

Pierre Van ZylAdrenal, Beverages, Body, Bone & Joint, Depression, Diabetes, Digestion, Essential Oils, Fitness, Food, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Mind, Hearty Therapies, herbs, Hormone, Hot Drinks, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Migraines, Headaches, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Quick & Easy, Recipes, Sciatic Pain, Sleep, Spices, Superfoods, Teas, Type, Weight Loss

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As a society, we are chronically underslept. Adults should be getting 7.5-8 hours of shut-eye each night, but are averaging less than 7. (1) Once you take into account the actually quality of that sleep (i.e. undisturbed and restful), the outlook is pretty grim. We’ve turned into a nation of sleepwalkers, and it now may be one… View Article

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7 symptoms of B12 deficiency that you should never ignore

Pierre Van ZylAlzheimer's, Body, Depression, Food, Heart, Heart Disease, Hearty Body, Hearty Mind, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Muscle Pain, Nerve, Other, Specific Diet, Spices, Superfoods, Vegan, Vegetarian, Vision

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In a world where there is food available on almost every corner, vitamin deficiency is still a major factor of poor health in developed countries. While some say changes in our soil are to blame for nutrient deficiencies, there are many reasons why in a country where people eat too much, they still fall short… View Article

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Atkins Diet: How It Works, Health Benefits, Plus Precautions

Jillian BabcockArticles, atikins diet plan, atkins, atkins diet, Brain Health, Heart Disease, low card foods, low-carb diet, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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The Atkins diet — a popular low- or modified-carb diet that’s high in fats and proteins but low in things like sugar, fruit, grains and many processed foods — has been around for more than 40 years. Various books written about the Atkins diet are some of the best-selling in the diet category, with more than 45 million sold worldwide. The … Read More

7 Awesome Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Annie PriceArticles, benefits of dark chocolate, Brain Health, Cancer, chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate benefits, Heart Disease, Nutrition

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If you’re like me, you love to eat chocolate. But not just any chocolate — I eat the varieties that are often referred to as “superfoods.” I’m talking about dark chocolate and cacoa nibs, which are both truly healthy forms of chocolate if you pick the right products. You’re probably thinking how is dark chocolate good for you, and in … Read More

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Benefits & Uses

Christine BabcockBeauty Remedies, Cancer, chamomile, chamomile benefits, chamomile tea benefits, Depression, Essential Oils, Heart Disease, Natural Remedies, roman chamomile, Roman chamomile essential oil

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Chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind. Many different preparations of chamomile have been developed over the years, and the most popular is in the form of herbal tea, with more than 1 million cups consumed per day. (1) But many people don’t know that Roman chamomile essential oil is even more effective than tea and … Read More

Masked Hypertension: More Common (and Dangerous) than White Coat Syndrome

Kissairis Munozblood pressure readings, Heart Disease, high blood pressure, is masked hypertension real, masked hypertension symptoms, opposite of white coat syndrome, prevalence of masked hypertension, what is masked hypertension, white coat syndrome

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You might have heard of a condition called “white coat syndrome,” where people’s blood pressure readings are higher at the doctor’s office than at home. It’s attributed to the nervousness some individuals feel when seeing the doctor, which causes the blood pressure to temporarily rise. But there’s another condition that’s actually quite common and can lead doctors to miss patients … Read More

Top 4 Health Benefits of Marriage

Kissairis MunozAnti-Aging, Cancer, health benefits of marriage, Heart Disease, is marriage healthy, marriage health benefits, marriage live longer

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Bickering about finances, debating child-rearing methods and arguing about whose turn it is to take out the garbage — sometimes the daily grind of married life can leave you feeling a little less than enthusiastic about your spouse. But even when your partner is driving you up the wall, it turns out they might actually be providing health benefits of … Read More

Skullcap: The Perfect Herb for Flu Season & Beyond

Kyra OliverCancer, Depression, Heart Disease, Nutrition, skullcap, skullcap herb, skullcap plant, skullcap tea

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Skullcap may sound like the hat you put on your head during the winter months, but in this case, it’s actually a medicinal plant that’s long been used for healing purposes, particularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Skullcap, which is named due to its shape resembling that of a medieval helmet, is of the mint family, Lamiaceae, and ranges from blue to … Read More

6 Grass-Fed Beef Nutrition Benefits (Nos. 1 & 2 Are Life-Savers)

Annie Priceantibiotics in beef, Articles, Cancer, grass-fed beef, grass-fed beef nutrition, Heart Disease, Non-GMO, Nutrition, what do cows eat

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According to a study at California State University’s College of Agriculture, grass-fed beef nutrition includes significantly more omega-3 fatty acids and more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than grain-fed beef. Grass-fed beef, one of the best protein foods around, is also higher in precursors for vitamin A and E and cancer-fighting antioxidants compared to grain-fed beef. (1) If you haven’t heard of CLA … Read More

Pinto Beans Nutrition Benefits the Heart & May Help Fight Cancer

Kyra OliverCancer, Heart Disease, how to cook pinto beans, Nutrition, pinto bean recipe, pinto bean recipes, pinto beans, pinto beans nutrition, pinto beans recipe

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It’s easy to make jokes about different types of beans and the effects they have on flatulence, but the focus should be on just how nutritious things like pinto beans can be for our health. For instance, did you know that many types of beans, such as anasaiz beans and pinto beans, are some of the top cancer-fighting foods around? … Read More

Top 7 Algae Benefits that May Surprise You

Annie Pricealgae, alge definition, Anti-Aging, Articles, blue green algae, Cancer, green algae, Heart Disease, Nutrition, red algae, Toxicity, Weight Loss

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Algae are some of the most primitive life forms found on Earth and have been consumed as food and medicine for centuries. Human consumption of the blue-green algae called spirulina actually goes back to the Aztec civilization of the 14th century, and this type, including spirulina and chlorella, is the edible variety most commonly used in supplements. In fact, algae benefits are so … Read More

8 Cat’s Claw Benefits for Immunity, Digestion & Chronic Disease

Annie PriceCancer, cat’s claw, Digestive Health, Heart Disease, Immune System, Natural Remedies, una de gato, uncaria tomentosa

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I’ve previously written about cat’s claw as one of the best antiviral herbs to boost the immune system and fight infection. This powerful herb is not only antiviral — it also has anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and antioxidant properties. These health-promoting attributes may make cat’s claw helpful as a natural treatment for arthritis, allergies, asthma, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, viral infections, ulcers, hemorrhoids and … Read More

The Mind-Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Abilities of Vanilla Extract

Rebekah EdwardsBrain Health, Heart Disease, homemade vanilla extract, how to make vanilla extract, Immune System, Nutrition, pure vanilla extract, vanilla extract

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When you hear “vanilla extract,” what do you think of? Your first answer is probably dessert, but what about antioxidant? Anti-inflammatory? Mental health booster? Vanilla extract is great for all of those things and more! There’s a reason vanilla is one of the most popular flavors in the world when it comes to baking and sweets. Not only does it … Read More

Ugli Fruit Benefits the Heart, Waist & Immune System

Rebekah EdwardsBrain Health, Cancer, Heart Disease, Immune System, jamaican citrus fruit, Nutrition, tangelo nutrition, ugli, ugli fruit, ugly fruit, Weight Loss

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It doesn’t seem very nice to name a fruit based on its appearance, but I’m going to let it slide this time with ugli fruit — because this very unattractive fruit is only ugly on the surface. Ugli fruit is a crossbred fruit found in a tropical climate, and it’s an incredible source of vitamin C, fiber and other nutrients, … Read More

4 Good Reasons Not to Eat Seitan

Annie PriceDigestive Health, Heart Disease, Nutrition, seitan, seitan recipes, tempeh, vital wheat gluten, what is tempeh

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Often called “wheat protein,” “wheat meat” or “wheat gluten,” seitan (pronounced say-tahn) has a look and texture shockingly similar to meat when it’s cooked, and its alternative namesakes are quite fitting since it’s made from gluten, the main protein found in wheat. Most of the commonly consumed meat substitutes are made from soy, but seitan does not contain any soy whatsoever. Are you still wondering: … Read More

Jackfruit: 5 Remarkable Benefits of the World’s Largest Tree Fruit

Kyra OliverCancer, Digestive Health, green fruit, Heart Disease, Immune System, jackfruit, jackfruit recipes, jackfruit tree, Nutrition, Superfoods, what is jackfruit

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If I gave you 10 guesses on which fruit is the largest tree fruit in the world, do you think you could get the answer? Well, if the jackfruit wasn’t on the tip of your tongue, or among your top 10 guesses, you can be forgiven, but the jackfruit is the largest tree fruit in the world, reaching up to … Read More